Not lifting weights

Is it a necessity to lift weights while following this plan? Will it still work
Without lifting and just doing cardio. I can not lift as I had a very severe wrist and arm fracture
12 months ago and I can not lift more than about 5 kilos without severe pain?

Also is it more important to stick to your calorie goal or your macro goal.
For instance today I am under my calorie goal by 150
But everything I have thought of to add takes me over
On my carbs or fat. Do I just go over these and eat the calories
Or forget the 150 cals?


  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi Tracy
    Don't think it's compulsory to lift weights, it's just people in general find although the weight loss, eating more, slows down weight lifting is still changing and sculpting the body. Like changes show in the mirror rather than the scale. Some people do a hard workout doing strength training without actually lifting. There are lots of body weight exercises which can be progressively made more challenging. If you do a search you will find suggestions for these. Again cardio is down to personal preference you just have to find what works for you. If you are getting the results you want why change. Macros; hmmm well again some say yes, for me a calorie is a calorie.
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Hey there. IMHO I think it's better to go over fat and stay under on carbs.

    Just an idea, a good quality protein shake should keep you under on both and simply increase your protein which is the most important one of the lot! Are you doing the 40/30/30 macro ratio?

    Weights are recommended because they are the most effective way of changing your body's composition. Sorry to hear about your injury, that must be frustrating. If you can't lift with your arms, you could still do some significant lower body workouts.

    Also, too much steady-state cardio has been shown to increase cortisol levels (which can actually increase fat) and can also interfere with digestive processes.

    Just some food for thought, so to speak. :smile:
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I agree with Lulu.

    Weights are a great way to change your body and to get that toned look.
    Maybe you can do some great weight workouts for your lower body.
    As for the Cardio, it is best to do HIIT workouts-short and intense :)