Encouragement Post

moss11 Posts: 236 Member
Eat More To Weigh Less-could this actually be the right war to go? Well for me it certainly seems that way. Years of starving and stuffing; long story; very boring! Best weight loss years ago was on 1750 calories a day. Couldn't seem to get back to that, it's funny how you can do something at one time and then can't another!!!!!
Point of post-been doing the EM2WL for about four months, lost 2/3 pounds. No loss for just over 2 months. Continued averaging about 1950 calls a day and last week 1lb down this week another! I can't quite get my head around this, eating at the level I am. Exercise fairly regular, nothing excessive, half an hour 5 days a week. Anyhow hope those who are struggling can find some encouragement in this. :drinker:


  • bellabrite
    bellabrite Posts: 89 Member
    So happy to hear this -- congrats!! Thanks for posting--I looove hearing this kind of stuff. Keeps it REAL.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    That's the spirit! Way to go. So happy to ear it is working. It just takes time- for some longer than for others