5'8.5 goal weight?



  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    Hi! I am 5'9" at 134 lbs right now. I've had a hard time deciding on my goal weight as well. When I started my weight loss I was at 168 lbs with the goal weight of 148 lbs. I was sure that once I lost 20 lbs I would be happy with my body.. problem was, I wasn't very active and lost that 20 just by dieting.. I was then skinny fat lol. Then I made a new goal for 138 lbs and added a whole lot of exercise :) I hit that and kept going.. I have definitely lost inches and am toning up.. I'm beginning to become comfortable with the weight I am at now. but I'm still trying for 130 so I can range from 130-135. I upped my calories and trying to lose .5 lb/week now with working out 5x/week for 35 minutes each session.
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    At 5'8 you are already at the low end of healthy weight. Are you trying to lose weight and what is your goal? What prompted you to join MFP, maybe you are looking to be healthier or tone up??

    I know that I do not need to lose any weight according to my bmi etc, but I still have a quite high bodyfat % (around 26/27) and therefore even look a bit chubby on my back and stomach.. Should I focus on strenght training or a low-calorie diet to bring my bf% down? A combo is probably best, but I like cardio way more than lifting weights (always get bored..) and eating less calories is simply more sustainable for me. What do you guys think:)?

    You'll need to add strength and increase protein to get you bf% down. If you do a calorie deficit + cardio, it'll make you lose muscle mass vs. losing body fat.