Sept 24th Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter for Monday



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Quick note as I'm heading out the door - TA sorry to hear you're sick - hope the meds kick in soon... we'll be happy to meet there and take over your classes for ya.. can you imagine all of us Hatters descending on your kids ... lol!!! I did giggle at your line about whether the scale showed happy or sad, you still over indulged both ways at first.. that's sooo what I do (I can't say DID yet!)
    I'm thrilled you reached the milestone of realizing what you've accomplished already - hope you know I'm inspired every day by your success!!

    Congrats on your daughter making SHM.. being CAnadian I'm not sure what that is, but I've watched enough movies to assume its to do with your Homecoming royalty peeps and having been elected by her peers?? Hope you feel well enough to enjoy the shopping trip!

    Somehow the scales were actually UP this morning; but I decided to let them live another day because my blood sugar was great for the 2nd time in the last couple of weeks, so I know its not just a fluke now lol.. still a long way to go but feeling encouraged (if only the scales knew how close they came to being toast this morning tho..... hmmm... I cudda spread peanut butter on em and ATE them in revenge!! giggle snort!

    Have a great day ladies.... my goal is to focus on the small changes today; aiming for some of the NEAT principles today - getting up every 1/2 hr from my desk to walk around - and if i drink enough water, that should be a piece of cake (so to speak lol) as the bathroom is WAYYYYY down the hall! :laugh:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I copied this from one of my MFP girl's post. It is mostly things we all know, but it never hurts to read them again and maybe put them all in action .Sorry , it is long , Hope you enjoy :

    • SEVEN STEPS to do every day :
    • STEP 1: Who Do You Think You Are! Your very first thoughts on waking are what determine your mood and set the course for the rest of the day. As they say, "if you don't like the song, change the song!" This is your chance to change your song. Even if you feel sceptical about this, just give it a try. Do this EVERY morning for a couple of minutes. It's an extraordinarily powerful technique when practiced over time. Keep warm, get comfy and close your eyes. Take a few deeps breaths to relax. Then simply visualize eating healthy, nourishing and delicious food throughout the day because it makes you feel good. And really FEEL more energized and full of vitality, and how your clothes fit your slim body. Picture yourself with clearer skin, shinier hair, and brighter eyes. Visualize looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing your slim reflection. Now open your eyes get up and go!
    • STEP 2: Water, Water Everywhere! One of the secrets to natural weight loss is to drink hot water with a squeeze of lemon juice - especially first thing in the morning, half an hour before you eat anything. This helps boost the digestive system, reduces the burden on the liver and kidneys, and reduces lethargy and bloating. Also, by rehydrating the body, you are less likely to store water where you don't want it - in your wobbly bits! Get in the habit of carrying a small bottle of water everywhere you go and drink it regularly. Water is a natural appetite suppressant and is an ideal way to reduce food cravings. If you drink alcohol or caffeinated drinks such as coffee or strong tea, you will need to drink extra water (a glass for every drink) to counteract their dehydrating effects.
    • STEP 3: If You Skip, You'll Yo-Yo! It's important to have breakfast or at least prepare a healthy snack you can take with you for that mid-morning blood-sugar low. Eat foods that release their energy slowly, like no-sugar muesli or oat porridge (oatmeal) with fresh fruit - plain full-fat yogurt, unsalted nuts (like almonds and walnuts) and fresh sunflower and pumpkin seeds are good additions. Or a boiled egg with some wholegrain toasts and butter. If you skip a meal, don't be surprised if your energy levels start to yo-yo. When you run on empty, even for a short while, your body will have you craving ‘quick-fix' calories, particularly high-sugar, high-fat snacks that release energy quickly. The self-control to resist binging will be almost impossible.
    • STEP 4: Soup for the Soul! Soup is one of the best weight-loss weapons to help you eat less without feeling hungry. People who eat a daily serving of soup lose more weight than those who eat the same amount of calories but don't eat soup. Soup has a high water component. When water is combined with food, it slows the release from the stomach better than if you just drink water with a meal. So it keeps you feeling fuller for longer and can reduce snack cravings later on. The best soup is vegetable soup because the vegetable fiber also helps you feel fuller for longer.
    • STEP 5: Overcoming "Dem Moody Blues!" If you are feeling tired, bored or moody, your resistance to comfort foods is greatly reduced. You need a strategy in place to boost the ‘happy chemicals', your endorphins, to keep things under control. One of the best ways is to get moving! Go for a walk, climb up and down the stairs, anything to help release those endorphins. If you work, get out at lunchtime and away from your desk. A walking buddy can help. Walk and talk rather than sit and chat. If you usually travel by public transport, walk to the next bus-stop or station before getting on. If music helps you move to the grove while you clean the house then do it! Fun = endorphins. Just keeping active throughout the day can burn off 250 calories - about the same as a jog in the park, without the sweating.
    • STEP 6: The Snack Fix! It's not that snacks are bad. Think more ‘snack fix', than a ‘snack attack'. Healthy snacks help control blood sugar swings and reduce cravings when your blood sugar is low, so you don't yo-yo. Including a little protein, and even fat, in your snack can slow down the release of sugars (from carbs) into the blood stream, keep you feeling fuller for longer and help to keep your blood sugar more stable. Snack ideas are: a piece of fresh fruit with a small handful of fresh, unsalted nuts, or fresh sunflower and pumpkin seeds (all have protein and fat). Or a humus (chickpea dip) or bean dip with fresh raw vegetables, such as carrot, cucumber, celery and sweet pepper sticks. Or oatcakes with nut butter or a little cheese.
    • STEP 7: Sumo Wrestling Your Carbs! Having achieved so much throughout the day, don't blow it by overeating in the evening, especially carbs (the Sumo diet). Balance your protein, fats and carbs. Takeaway or ready meals - like pasta and sauces, curries with white rice, and pizza - tend to be heavy on the carbs and fats. You can still enjoy the flavor of these meals by making your own versions and rebalancing the ingredients. Use less fat and less salt. Less fat doesn't mean using low-fat substitutes which will push the balance towards excess carbs. Also use more lean protein, more vegetables and whole grains. You can also try grilled fish or chicken with vegetable sauces or steamed veg. Go for whole grains such as brown (or red) rice, or high-protein grains like quinoa. So for your kick start to healthy weight loss simply follow this seven-step plan... and your body will take care of the rest.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Great reminders Gail.. thank youuuuu!!

    I popped on early to log everything except dinner and put a quick note in; I'm leaving right from work tomorrow to go north about 3 hrs to my old room mates place; they retired a few years ago and fri morning are renewing their vows so I won't be around after I log in tomorrow morning til Friday nite - fortunately the renewal ceremony is at 8am (gak!) with a breakfast following, so I'm not worried about my food that night; but I'll definitely be having a glass of wine tomorrow night while we catch up on "girl talk" after banishing the boys somewhere :bigsmile:

    I'm working Saturday for the big move (overtime for the whole day tho so I'm not complaining!) so will wish everyone a TGIF now, and a fab weekend for later!! Hope all the under the weather peeps are over the weather (?) by the weekend, and that everyone takes some time for themselves to pamper just a little... we're all working hard at our goals and as has been mentioned, need to celebrate our accomplishments.. haven't seen an IPOM in a little while (ahem...) bring em on ladies!

    My IPOM: made myself get up frequently and went upstairs a few more times than I needed to! :bigsmile:
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ snoozie - IPOM because.....

    Haven't let the stress of the ECoH get me down yet.....

    and the PITAs (pain in the .ss) are still alive and well - haven't hurt anyone yet.....:noway:

    Looking forward to an ice tea - maybe long island style - on the 14th after church....

    Smile Team Smile - it will make them wonder what you're up to....:glasses: :laugh:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I vote for the long island version C!!:drinker:

    glad to hear you're keeping it together!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    it's all about progress, not perfection!”

    …because the old mindset I had would have jumped on the chance. So it is all about small changes , not perfection.

    Tammy……So proud for you on your goals…you are doing such a fantastic job!! When you get to your last goal , and I to mine, We’ll have to meet up in New Orleans and split a Beignet!!

    ^^^^^^^This sounds like a wonderful plan !!! I just realized this week I have now lost 1/4 of my goal. When I started I figured it would take me at least 40 weeks to lose what I have and the fact that it has been less than 20 has me excited. I know it will slow down at some point but that is to be expected as I get closer to goal but I am hoping this will cut some of the time to reach that final goal also :love:

    .Snoozie…Why didn’t you let me know you were hurt? Thinks she needs a whipping with a wet noodle !!!

  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Morning my friends,

    We are getting closer to the weekend! I hope each and everyone of you have a great day and a better tomorrow!
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Thanks for the post Gail. I copied and posted it on my blog so that I can refer back often.:smile:

    Snoozie, sounds like girls fun !!! Safe travels and yes GAK at 8 am for renewing. Thanks for the well wishes, the meds have kicked in and school (scared to say) looks like its beginning to really line up and smooth out. Good deal at adding a few more stairs. Now I am sad to say I have still not started back at the ab cruncher :sad: Have such great plans just don't seem to be able to find the time. Hopefully this week end I can get things back on track. As for the Hatters swooning in on my classes I would love to be a fly on that wall and see the expression of the students. They think I am crazy as it is since for most of them I am very very conservative but imo this would could use a few of those with like views. Glad to hear the sugar seems to be finding a steady pattern :love:
    As for the Homecoming. Yes, it peer voted it is in relationship to football games and started many many years ago and now continues as a tradition. The girls are like the royalty of the games season. They will be presented at Court (formal gowns and escorted by football players) at a pep rally to get the students excited about the nights game. That night they will be presented on field as the girl's school accomplishments are read to the fans escorted by their fathers (usually) There are bouquets and the queen. As with many things related to football games in the South it is a huge huge deal mainly b/c unlike big cities there isn't much more than football to do on weekends.

    Good luck on the Eagle scouts Carol

    Supplements and hot flashes I have no experience with. I read something here in connection but since it didn't relate to me I didn't store that info sorrrryyyy

    Well its late already and work is calling. Had a cousin to pass yesterday and the wake tonight so getting a late start. On the positive he is out of pain and tomorrow is FRIDAY !!! Homecoming shopping Saturday and the Fair on Sunday with the children... have to plan on getting lesson plans squeezed in there somewhere for next week !!! Everyone have a fabulous weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi, Tammy, I would love for you to copy it, I love to read things like this and thought maybe someone else might,also. I hope you're feeling better.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Well I am feeling better but over did it today trying to get all I need to do for the weekend. Have a day of shopping tomorrow for the daughters HC suit, then fair with the girls Sunday. Still have lesson plans for the classes to squeeze in there somewhere. Going to be a busy weekend.
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Hello my wonderful ladies,

    Opps the drizzle of yesterday did me in :grumble: I have had the cough and head ache again all day, but I am keeping with the meds and hoping for the best for tomorrow morning. Since it rained we skipped the fair much to the girls disappointment and even mine also but it did allow me to get all my lessons planned in detail for the week and emailed in to the assistant principal instead of getting all of one or two and part of the rest. This will be good for the upcoming week since we have my daughters bday cooking Tuesday, decorating for homecoming Thursday, and Homecoming on Friday with a hair do up keep day somewhere in there before Thursday.

    I finished the 12 week challenge today at 1 pound under my goal. I was hoping for more but with one of the meds being high in sodium this week I was please to just not gain. I am starting the next 12 challenge tomorrow and have set my goal for 20 pounds btw Oct 1 - Dec 24. That will get me to below 250 by Christmas morning !!! and I will be lost 60 pounds since joining. I am excited just thinking about reaching those numbers for the first time in so many years.

    I will leave this as we start the new week

    "Accomplishment of small things leads to mighty things..." (C. Hardy)

    May this week be one filled with lots of small things for each of you :flowerforyou: We each other we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.

    Have a wonderful week and know I will be checking in as possible even if I don't have time to comment.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters...

    21 hours of moving yesterday and today have left my neck and my feet achining so I'm heading to bed shortly; promise a big catch up tomorrow and will try to start a new topi for a brand new month!

    TA so sorry to hear you missed the far and that the cough is back too..sounds like a busy week coming up bet your daughter is excited about Thurs! Saw you posted a blog so I peeked just before coming here and saw the challenge; you know we'll be cheering you on every step of the way and have no doubt you'll make your new goal.. and super congrats on coming in one UNDER the one you wanted for now... that's awesome!!

    To all the hatters struggling with flu bugs and stressful changes and crazy schedules - remember if you need to vent anytime to keep sane.. or keep away from the chocolate or whatever your "go to" emotional foods are - come to us instead - rant, rave, cry..laugh.. whatever ya need - you'll find friendship and commiseration and a hand to help you stay or get back on track! :flowerforyou:

    I'm falling asleep on the keyboard so nite nite Mad Hatters..