October monthly challenge

broekte Posts: 102 Member
I've seen this done in other groups with pretty good success and thought I'd give it a try here and see if you all would like to try it. Starting next Monday Oct. 1st if you'd like to join weigh yourself and then put that number and your goal for what you'd like to lose for the month. We will break it down to 4 weigh-ins so keep your weekly goal reasonable for where you are at (1-3 pounds a week probably). So for example it could look something like this:
Monthly goal: down 10 pounds
Starting weight 10/1: 300 pounds
Weight on 10/8:
Weight on 10/15:
Weight on 10/22:
Weight on 10/31:
From what I've seen in other group it seems to give some accountability if you can get past the nervousness of putting your weight for everyone in the group to see. Also it can build comraderie as we encourage each other to stick with it on our weekly weigh-ins. I'm going to try it starting on the 1st so I hope you all will join me because the more the merrier right!


  • kiaram03
    kiaram03 Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds good. Count me in : )
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm in as well.

    Although I already dread weighing in Monday since I will be traveling and eating out all weekend! On the bright side I will be in Effingham visiting family and friends!
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    only a couple more days until we start the first monthly challenge :)
  • FritcherJ
    FritcherJ Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds like a great idea. Since school has started, I have seen my weight tip-toe back up. Accountability is a good thing :)
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    Here goes!
    Monthly goal: Down 12 pounds
    Starting weight on 10/1: 286.8
    Weight on 10/8:
    Weight on 10/15:
    Weight on 10/22:
    Weight on 10/31:
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    I gained 6 lbs over my extended weekend, but we did splurge on China Buffet while we were in town! So my start weight is *gulp* higher then normal, but hopefully I can shake off the water weight quickly!

    Goal 164.8 or 8.6 lbs which would put me in my healthy weight range.

    10/1 SW 173.4
  • FritcherJ
    FritcherJ Posts: 5 Member
    Monthly Goal: 5 pounds

    10/1- 161 lbs.

    That would have me lose the weight I've gained since school has started. :)
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    good luck ladies! I and hopefully the rest of the group will be rooting you on!!!
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    Weigh in number one tomorrow!
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    Monthly goal: Down 12 pounds
    Starting weight on 10/1: 286.8
    Weight on 10/8: 283.2
    Weight on 10/15:
    Weight on 10/22:
    Weight on 10/31:
    Progress so far: Down 3.6 pounds
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    Monthly goal: Down 12 pounds
    Starting weight on 10/1: 286.8
    Weight on 10/8: 283.2
    Weight on 10/15:
    Weight on 10/22:
    Weight on 10/31:
    Progress so far: Down 3.6 pounds

    Nice Job this week!!! Keep it up!
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    Goal 164.8 or 8.6 lbs which would put me in my healthy weight range.

    10/1 SW 173.4
    10/8 168.4

    Total-- 5 lbs ( which almost counteracts my 6 lb gain from my extended weekend in IL)
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    Monthly goal: Down 12 pounds
    Starting weight on 10/1: 286.8
    Weight on 10/8: 283.2
    Weight on 10/15:
    Weight on 10/22:
    Weight on 10/31:
    Progress so far: Down 3.6 pounds

    Nice Job this week!!! Keep it up!

    great job! you've totally got this!!!
  • FritcherJ
    FritcherJ Posts: 5 Member
    Monthly Goal: 5 pounds

    10/1- 161.2 lbs.
    10/8- 158.8

    How that happened, I have no idea, but I'll take it!!
  • amez1974
    amez1974 Posts: 213 Member
    Monthly Goal: 5 pounds

    10/1- 161.2 lbs.
    10/8- 158.8

    How that happened, I have no idea, but I'll take it!!

    WTG! That was your goal for the whole month- wasn't it?!?!
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    Impressive strides made ladies! You both are at close to 50% or better of your goals after a week. That is some great work!!
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    I didn't have the best week this week.
    Monthly goal: Down 12 pounds
    Starting weight on 10/1: 286.8
    Weight on 10/8: 283.2
    Weight on 10/15: 282.2
    Weight on 10/22:
    Weight on 10/31:
    Progress so far: Down 4.6 pounds
  • FritcherJ
    FritcherJ Posts: 5 Member
    Monthly Goal: 5 pounds

    10/1- 161.2 lbs.
    10/8- 158.8
    10/15- 161.6 (Oops!)

    I had A LOT of water this weekend (mixed with barley and hops). Oh well, starting over!
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    I had A LOT of water this weekend (mixed with barley and hops). Oh well, starting over!

    Haha love it. You still have 16 days to get this done. I have confidence you can do it!!!
  • broekte
    broekte Posts: 102 Member
    I was really bad over the weekend. We moved and we didn't do any eating at home and it shows.
    Monthly goal: Down 12 pounds
    Starting weight on 10/1: 286.8
    Weight on 10/8: 283.2
    Weight on 10/15: 282.2
    Weight on 10/22: 285
    Weight on 10/31:
    Progress so far: Down 1.8 pounds