Lets talk STS

rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
I'm brand new to Cathe workouts and am starting STS with the October group. I haven't received my DVDS yet, but did download and read the Users Guild. Experienced Cathe folks, I'd like your opinions on:

1. One Rep Max. I actually thought this was done by doing a literal 1 rep max test...duh.:embarassed: Now I see you attempt 10 reps and use the calculator to figure out the 1rm. Do y’all do the 1rm test for each meso cycle right before you start that cycle or do you do all 4 at the same time? Can the 1rm test be done in one session, or should I plan to allow multiple days?

2. What are some samples of your 1rm weight? I really have no idea where to start.

3. I don’t own a barbell, so my workouts are going to be done with dumbbells. Should I do my 1rm with dumbbells?


  • 202685tracy
    202685tracy Posts: 42 Member
    I'm brand new to Cathe workouts and am starting STS with the October group. I haven't received my DVDS yet, but did download and read the Users Guild. Experienced Cathe folks, I'd like your opinions on:

    1. One Rep Max. I actually thought this was done by doing a literal 1 rep max test...duh.:embarassed: Now I see you attempt 10 reps and use the calculator to figure out the 1rm. Do y’all do the 1rm test for each meso cycle right before you start that cycle or do you do all 4 at the same time? Can the 1rm test be done in one session, or should I plan to allow multiple days?

    2. What are some samples of your 1rm weight? I really have no idea where to start.

    3. I don’t own a barbell, so my workouts are going to be done with dumbbells. Should I do my 1rm with dumbbells?

    1. The way I did it for this go around is that I did all my 1RM for the entire 4 weeks the week before. One day I did 1RM for weeks 1 and 2 (disc 1and 4) this took me 60 mins. Another day I did legs for weeks 1 and 2 (disc 3 and 6) and another day weeks 1 and 2 (disc 2 and 5). Than I took another day to finish up for weeks 3 and 4. You will find that once you get through the 1RM for weeks 1 and 2 there aren't many more that need to be done for the first 4 weeks. During my rest week between meso 1 and 2, I will look at the sheets to see what 1RM I still have left to do for meso 2 and I will complete those (at this point there aren't too many). I never recalculate the 1RM for any exercise throughout the program becasue the program is set up to work off of your initial 1RM. I know Kiki adjusts throughout the program. I did however, adjust my weights if I felt something was too hard or too easy through out the program. You just have to keep notes from one workout to the next.

    2. If you already workout with weights regulary, than I would just do your 1RM max with the weights that you currently use, but try to go to failure with every set at that given weight. For example if you normally do 15# bicep curls and stop at 10-12 regardless of how fitigued you are, keep going until you can't do anymore. You would then enter your weight amt and reps into the calculator and it tells you your 1RM. Or, you could go a little heavier than normal and not lift as many, but regardless, you want to go to failure and enter those numbers into the computer.

    3. If you aren't going to use a barbell than do your 1 rep max with dumbells. If at all possible though, I would consider investing in a barbell and a few weights to get you started. Look on craigs list or ebay, there are some great deals to be had sometimes. I say this only becasue it really does make a difference in the workout when she goes between barbell and dumbells and a lot of the exercises are alternated between DB and BB. Just my opinion. others may disagree.

    Hope this helps and isn't too confusing. If it is feel free to message me with questions.

  • trishadams
    trishadams Posts: 104 Member
    I'm brand new to Cathe workouts and am starting STS with the October group. I haven't received my DVDS yet, but did download and read the Users Guild. Experienced Cathe folks, I'd like your opinions on:

    1. One Rep Max. I actually thought this was done by doing a literal 1 rep max test...duh.:embarassed: Now I see you attempt 10 reps and use the calculator to figure out the 1rm. Do y’all do the 1rm test for each meso cycle right before you start that cycle or do you do all 4 at the same time? Can the 1rm test be done in one session, or should I plan to allow multiple days?

    2. What are some samples of your 1rm weight? I really have no idea where to start.

    3. I don’t own a barbell, so my workouts are going to be done with dumbbells. Should I do my 1rm with dumbbells?

    1. My first time doing STS, I only did 1RMs for exercises with 3 stars or more and guesstimated on the others. I did them all up front before beginning STS and tweaked as I went along if I found the weight too heavy/light for the rep range. Now I update 1RMs throughout the year for exercises I do regularly (i.e. barbell squat). Also, I treated the 1RMs like a workout doing upper/lower splits or split them by muscle group (i.e. chest 1rms on Monday, back on Tuesday, etc.) Btw, the starred exercise list can be found here http://cathe.com/tutorials/PDF/STS_1RM_Chart.pdf.

    2. What Tracy said, but I try to pick a weight that I will fail at 10-12 reps. If I find I can do 15 or 20, I move on to another exercise, but re-do the one I just did with a higher weight with a failure closer to 10-12.

    3. What Tracy said :) I'm a huge fan of craigslist for workout equipment.
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member

    3. If you aren't going to use a barbell than do your 1 rep max with dumbells. If at all possible though, I would consider investing in a barbell and a few weights to get you started. Look on craigs list or ebay, there are some great deals to be had sometimes. I say this only becasue it really does make a difference in the workout when she goes between barbell and dumbells and a lot of the exercises are alternated between DB and BB. Just my opinion. others may disagree.

    Thanks so much for your help!!! That sounds like a great plan on the 1RM test and on using my current weight to figure 1RM.

    I so wish I had a barbell set. Money isn't really the problem, it's just that I have always ONLY used dumbbells and know nothing about barbells. I've been looking at craigslist for a few days now and there are so many different kinds, I'd have no idea where to start. I don't know if different bars have different weights, what size plates to start with, if all plates are interchangeable with different brand bars, etc. I know there is no way I will have time to learn then make a smart buying decision before I start. :sad:
  • bellabrite
    bellabrite Posts: 89 Member
    I'd like to know more info about barbells too. Mainly--what weights should the different plates be and what should they go up to (total weight with all plates used)?
  • mommamuscles
    mommamuscles Posts: 584 Member
    Bellabrite-If you have funds for it, I would buy a basic olympic barbell set with plates (mine came with 300 lbs I think). Seems like a lot of weight but gives you lots of options!
  • 202685tracy
    202685tracy Posts: 42 Member

    3. If you aren't going to use a barbell than do your 1 rep max with dumbells. If at all possible though, I would consider investing in a barbell and a few weights to get you started. Look on craigs list or ebay, there are some great deals to be had sometimes. I say this only becasue it really does make a difference in the workout when she goes between barbell and dumbells and a lot of the exercises are alternated between DB and BB. Just my opinion. others may disagree.

    Thanks so much for your help!!! That sounds like a great plan on the 1RM test and on using my current weight to figure 1RM.

    I so wish I had a barbell set. Money isn't really the problem, it's just that I have always ONLY used dumbbells and know nothing about barbells. I've been looking at craigslist for a few days now and there are so many different kinds, I'd have no idea where to start. I don't know if different bars have different weights, what size plates to start with, if all plates are interchangeable with different brand bars, etc. I know there is no way I will have time to learn then make a smart buying decision before I start. :sad:

    The bar I like to use for curls and presses etc. is a 30# bar, it is shorter than an olympic bar, so it is easier to move around and lift. This length bar however does not fit on my smith machine that I holds the bar when I am doing chest press, so I use an olympic bar for chest presses this bar is 40#. Weight plates are not interchangeable in that if you have an olympic style bar, the weight plates have to have the big hole. If you look at Cathe's bar in her videos her bar has the small ends, which require the weight plates with the small holes. Sometimes it is better to buy a set becasue this way you know that the plates are going to be the correct ones. I would go to a sport store, just to look around and see what the differences are that I am talking about. My 30# and 40# bar both have the large ends requiring the plates with large holes.

    Hope this helps!
  • rmk20togo
    rmk20togo Posts: 353 Member
    It definitely helps to know they hole in the weights are not interchangeable with all bars. I seriously doubt I will find the funds to buy a barbell set for this round of STS. :sad:

    I'm in the gym 5-6x a week so I may just throw in the barbell work while I'm there, even if its hours before or after my official STS workout. I'm starting 1rms tomorrow and am quite scared actually. I don't want to give up any of my regular workouts and I"m having a hard time finding 3 more hours a week.