Has ANYONE lost weight and/or inches?

I'm in need of a little motivation.

It seems like most of the results I've been seeing with NROLW are women saying they like the program but haven't lost weight (some even gained) and most of their measurements are staying the same. I"m one of them! I just finished stage 1 and while I didn't expect any miracles, my weight and measurements are exactly the same. I'm starting stage 2 today, but I'm feeling slightly discouraged that I didn't have any measurable results. Even my clothes fit the same. I don't have any new definition from what I can tell, however, I do feel firmer but it could seriously be all in my head. I'm very happy with the increases in weight I accomplished in stage 1 but I'd be lying if I said I'm doing this program to simply get stronger. I want to lose inches and lower my body fat! I'm not so hung up on the scale, but I'd like to lower my body fat and have real definition. Neither of which has happened. Ugggghhh :grumble:

Am I expecting too much too soon? I guess I felt like 6 weeks should be long enough to see SOMETHING! Anyone have any successes losing inches, weight, gaining definition, lowering body fat, or any other measurable thing to give me something to hang onto for the next 5 months?!



  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Well, I have only been doing this about 3 weeks (since 9/2) and have lost 2 lbs. I am eating TDEE minus 20% though and not following the eating plan. I don't know about my measurements, but I "feel" like my legs/but are tightening and my stomach need some supplemental work!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I am in stage 3 and I've lost 6 lbs, 3" from my waist and 1.5" from my hips. I can comfortably fit in jeans that I couldn't wear before. But I started with 35lbs + to lose and was fairly inactive and eating horribly. I eat basically at the 300 cal deficit, but I eat the same amount every day. The only cardio I do is some walking and HIIT with the workouts. There are days that I want to quit because the weight loss is so slow, but I realize that lifting isn't about quick and drastic results.
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 231 Member
    I just finished stage 7. I haven't lost too much in weight or inches, but I look totally different. I feel completely different.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    i'm about halfway through stage one and have lost a pound or two, haven't taken measurements unfortunately. i do feel stronger and more confident though. downside-i feel like my boobs have gotten a tad bit smaller, which is sad because there wasn't much there to begin :(

  • It seems like most of the results I've been seeing with NROLW are women saying they like the program but haven't lost weight (some even gained) and most of their measurements are staying the same.

    I'm so glad you asked this! I've noticed the same thing. For myself, I'm eating 20% below TDEE, lifting 3x a week, HIIT/bootcamp 3-4x. I'm only on my second week of NROL4W, and was doing LiveFit trainer two weeks prior. My weight has not budged but my clothes are looser and I'm measuring 1" down on my hips.

    I've been tracking calories for almost 2 months so it can be discouraging, but I notice a change in my body. I need to start taking pictures (eek) since that may help monitor progress
  • SteAnnMui
    SteAnnMui Posts: 129 Member
    I lost a few lbs in Stage 1 but mostly lost inches. I'm also quite a bit heavier though.

    When I did NROL4W two years ago I was a lot smaller already and noticed a weight drop and then afterwards it was mostly my body that changed.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    I gained a pound since starting the program.

    However, this past Friday, it was the first day of my period, which means I was probably bloated and retaining water, and I was able to fit into pants I usually can't wear unless I'm at least 5 - 7 pounds lighter. So something good is definitely happening!
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I have 1 week left of stage 1. I do 2 weight workouts a week + 4 boot camp style classes. I've done the classes since March. My food goals are TDEE -20% and 30% protein.

    I've lost 1 inch off my waist and 0.5 off each thigh. I'm down about 2 lbs. those measurements haven't changed for me for the last 3 months so I'm happy.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'm at the end of Stage 5, and since I started NROLFW in April, I've lost 8 lb. (from 190 to 182 @ 5'5"), and my waist has shrunk by 3" (from 40" to 37").

    In stage 1, I had dropped from a size 18 jeans to a size 14, and the size 14's still fit, but they're starting to get a little roomy. I'll be thrilled if I'm comfortable in size 12's by the end of stage 7.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,106 Member
    I saw the BIGGEST drop, in inches, between Stage 2 and Stage 3. For me.

    And, I had dropped some weight by the end of Stage 5. But, I actually picked that weight back up by the end of the book.

    I am now doing NROL4Abs. I did finish NROL4W and I think its biggest benefits, for me, were:

    1. understanding that it was more important to do weight-training exercise. Period. I gave up LOTS of cardio in order to have time to do NROL4W.
    2. learning how to fuel a work-out.
    3. changing my shape

    Because I *am* seeing my shape change, I do think there is something great about weight-training. No, it didn't happen as fast as I wanted, and I still struggle with what I'm supposed to do with the scale, but I feel like I am on a BETTER trajectory than I was prior to NROL4W.
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Great question T.

    In stage 2 and my thighs are Butt are actually a bit bigger ( as a black woman with a flat butt Im happy about this change! ) lol
    BUT my main reason for starting the program was to lose inches in my waist. hasnt happened yet. I just ordered the abs book and im going to do some serious reading to see what I can be doing more of.
    I am also contemplating doing Jackie Warner's Ab routine after my hiit like I used to. and keeping NEW Rules for strength..
    I thought my days of making these complicated decisions were over, lol
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    Just out of curiosity what does your nutriton plan look like?
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    Just out of curiosity what does your nutriton plan look like?

    For stage 1 I was eating around 1900 cals on non-workout days and 2100 on workout days. My typical days starts with a hard boiled egg, 2 turkey sausage and string cheese. My snacks throughout the day typically consist of grapes, cottage cheese and pineapple, greek yogurt, granola bar, and whey protein shake. I typically have fresh deli meat on wheat bread for lunch. Dinner varies from anything from shrimp tacos to steak and potatoes. My macros are 40 carbs, 30 protein, and 30 fat. I do struggle with hitting my protein on occassion.

    For stage 2 I've decided to take my calories down to 1650 on non-workout days, and 1950 on workout days. I'm hoping the very slight decrease with the added interval training in stage 2 will jumpstart something!
  • grkathena82
    grkathena82 Posts: 42 Member
    You sound just like me with your progress and your diet (except I'm eating TDEE minus 15% which is around 1700 calories for me). I'm only half way through Stage 1 and have not seen any measurable difference. I lost 2 pounds but all of my measurements are the same. However, I do feel firmer in my arms and legs. Maybe our bodies are just adjusting to the weight lifting, because as others have said, they seemed to notice more of a difference later on in the program. I am determined to stick with this!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I completed all 7 stages of the program and I went from a size 8 (sometimes size 10) to a size 4. I have definition all over my body, especially legs and arms. Heck, I even have a 4-pak. I didn't follow the book's diet plan but I customized MFP to fit my goals/needs. I feel super strong and I can now easily pick up and move heavy things. Having strong bones & muscles feels great!

    Be diligent with the program and keep your diet clean. Best of luck!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I did the program from start to finish.

    Lost 0 pounds and 0 inches...............but my body look completely different. I would never have known if I didn't take pictures. It is only when I was putting 2 monthly picture side by side that I saw the difference.

    Photo 009 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    11614737_104 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    After one year lifting

    IMG_20120929_095330 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr
  • deninevi
    deninevi Posts: 934 Member
    I finished the program sometime in spring. I did gain a few lbs. due to bad eating, but went from size 8-10 to 6. I'm much, much stronger now! Don't be discouraged! While I was doing the program, I was noticing the lbs. drop when I was taking a week break between stages.

    Look at Yanicka's pics! What a difference!

    You can do it!
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I did the program from start to finish.

    Lost 0 pounds and 0 inches...............but my body look completely different. I would never have known if I didn't take pictures. It is only when I was putting 2 monthly picture side by side that I saw the difference.

    Photo 009 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    11614737_104 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    After one year lifting

    IMG_20120929_095330 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    Wow! You look fabulous!!!
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I did the program from start to finish.

    Lost 0 pounds and 0 inches...............but my body look completely different. I would never have known if I didn't take pictures. It is only when I was putting 2 monthly picture side by side that I saw the difference.

    Photo 009 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    11614737_104 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    After one year lifting

    IMG_20120929_095330 by yanicka.hachez, on Flickr

    You definately look stronger, fitter and leaner. It's crazy how are bodies work sometimes, looking at your pictures I would have assumed you had lost inches at the very least. Your results are fabulous, very inspiring.

    I am sticking with the program, results or not. When I say 'results' I mean measurable, but I totally understand that my body will change even though I may not lose inches or weight.

    Thank you for the encouragement ladies!
  • mermegan
    mermegan Posts: 143
    I'll just revive this thread a little to say that:

    Since I started lifting (it's been a little over a month), I've only lost 1-2 pounds. BUT, I'm in a pair of jeans that were far too tight to even walk around in! They're loose around my hips and thighs (yes, THIGHS, this is big for me)

    All my jeans are gaping a bit at the back of the waist, and I have a pair of board shorts that I can completely zip up and tie (I always try them on because they're a good gauge of my weight loss). When I started MFP 2 months ago they were too tight to even close.

    Keep in mind that the last time these clothes fit like this I was 159 pounds (I'm 5'8). I was 164 this morning.

    The scale can EAT ME. Have faith ladies.