Everything in place

wfte Posts: 195 Member
Hi. My first post since joining the group. I started going low carb last week.

15 months ago I weighed 360lbs. Over the next 13 months I lost 65 lbs and got down to 295lbs, the lowest I've been in over 10 yrs. I done this mostly by watching calories and fats of course. Everyone knows that's right. ;-)

It's when I was considering dropping my calories again to around 1700 I wasn't too sure. It's wasn't to lose weight faster, I genuinely felt like I was often eating my last meal just to hit the numbers. Searching around on the Internet I came across the Eat More To Weigh Less group here. That's when I realised that I was damaging my metabolism and that half the weight I lost was probably lean mass. Well I didn't want this, I wanted to keep the muscle, just lose the fat.

So I started eating more. Calculated by BMR, TDEE and set about resetting my metabolism. But how was I going to fit in more calories? Easy , make my pasta, rice, potato portions larger. After all, I want to up my calories but don't want to eat fatty stuff just to do it, that wouldn't be good!

Five weeks of this and my body felt good. I was enjoying all the extra food I was getting but strangely felt tired a lot. Surely that's not right when eating so much? Luckily for me I like to read up on things and stumbled across the low carb idea. I admit I'd always shunned the Atkins diet but admit I never really took the time to learn the details properly.

After reading up on low carb it all clicked. My choice way of upping calories was the worst thing I could have done. So now im still on the idea of eating more to fuel my body but now that more is coming from fat not carbs.

Most people would think I'm mad. In 6 weeks I've gone from a "sensible" diet that helped me lose 65 lbs to eating 1.5 times as much food and adding fat wherever possible. I'm sure though that the two combined are the perfect thing to not only help me lose weight, but lose body fat and be healthier all round.

And even if I would have lost the weight still on my old diet, this way is a lot more enjoyable and a lot tastier! :-)


  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Welcome ... less hunger, tastier and it works ... you know it makes sense :)

    Get adapted to burning fat as a primary fuel and you won't look back ...

    I look back on my Rice Cake Days and shake my head at myself ... it was only 6 months ago ...
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Welcome! It's freeing once you get over the initial strangeness of what you need to do on low carb, but OH BOY is the food better over here. The best part is that you're coming into this at the right time, there are so many recipe sites, blogs, and other resources from the Paleo and Primal camps that it's one the best times to be a low carber. Doing this many years ago, it was MUCH harder because the resources just weren't there.

    While people my think you're crazy, or shun you, just live by example and spread the word when you can to those that are listening. It all make logical sense, we've all just been told to do the opposite our entire lives.

    Here's some sites you may find helpful in the short term:

  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and sites.

    And oh trust me, I've been telling people. Watched the Fathead doc on Youtube yesterday (Great viewing) and instantly made the link my status on Facebook to share with everyone.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and sites.

    And oh trust me, I've been telling people. Watched the Fathead doc on Youtube yesterday (Great viewing) and instantly made the link my status on Facebook to share with everyone.

    I've got a "Wheat Is Murder" t-shirt, not that I preach or anything ;)