Newbie questions


Looking for some more advice - I am keen to start this eat more plan.

Starting Figures are:
Age: 28
Height: 169cm
Weight 222lbs

I have followed the link to scoobys calorie calculator and I have found the following - BMR 1796 and TDEE 2155 for no exercise and to lose 20% my calorie intake should be 1724 - which is below my bmr - should I change it to 15% to keep my numbers above my BMR? I have fisgured this figure out as 1832. I think I know myself what the answer to this is but I am new to this and looking for some guidance - I will eat 1832 till someone tells me this is wrong.

Also I have selected no exercise as my life is a little chaotic and my exercise happens as and when I can - sometimes5 times a week and sometimes I dont manage any - i thought I could eat back my exercise calories (I use a HRM), does this sound reasonable? or anyone have any other suggestions?

And finally - If i dont always have time to get to a gym is there any weight/strength training I can do at home?



  • Bump x
  • Hi Lucy,

    I'm sorry no one else has given an answer. I'm not sure I'll be much help, but didn't want you feeling too alone :)

    I think on this site, there is a time difference with the UK and USA - give it a while and I'm sure when they wake up, they'll help LOL!!

    What you are doing sounds about right, but I am no expert on this EMWL thingy, I'm only just getting my head around it.

    I think the general idea is if you eat at your BMR you would then eat back the exercise calories, but don't let the calories drop below your BMR!

    I hope that helps somewhat :)
  • thanks for your repsonse

    That what i thought - i have just ordered insnity as well so my exercise will be 6days a week and I hoping for good results x
  • I agree with charliecat. That sounds like a reasonable way to handle your numbers with exercise being hit or miss. Other than staying above BMR, I'd keep an eye on your calorie defecit also and make sure you're averaging somewhere around 15% of your TDEE depending on how much you have to lose. You can go up to 20% if you have a lot to lose, but make sure you take diet breaks often. Good luck!
  • Also, I wanted to clarify that I would never start with a 20% cut. When you go to cut it's better to start with 15%, better yet 10% and then move to 15% cut if fat loss stalls, then possibly 20% being max. If you stall at max cut, then it's time for a diet break.