Not a slave to carbs anymore!

I just finished my second week of Induction on Atkins..... so staying at around 20 net carbs a day. I thought it was going to be horrible because I had become such a slave to my carbs. I honestly was out of control eating most days.

Day one of induction I just thought to myself, just do it for 2 weeks and then you can up your carbs each week. Now that I've finished my second week, I think I'm going to keep at the 20 carb level for a while. I have about 50 pounds to lose so it won't hurt staying with it for a while longer. And honestly, I feel great.

I feel like I have more energy. I don't have cravings for anything. I feel full most all of the day. I have lost weight. I feel like I can think for myself instead of being a slave to my eating.

Can't wait to keep it going and make this a true lifestyle change!


  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Good stuff, the freedom from food is the big thing for me, I know what works and don't miss what doesn't :)

    There may be numerous metabolic advantages and whatnot but this one aspect does it for me.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I've found over time that the things that you thought that you couldn't live without just become unappetizing, or there's a better, tastier alternative that can be used that generally has WAY more nutrition in fewer calories and carbs.

    Congrats for making it through the induction phase, most people never make it that far and then just talk about how low carb didn't work for them. Spread the word to those you know. Between low carb, paleo and primal eating I think that it's making a comeback, and only when enough people eat this way can the food industry change the products its providing.
  • NatashaRuz
    My husband and I started on Adkins a few months ago, and not too long into it, realized how good we felt not having carbs. Now, I rarely think about eating carbs, and certain things that used to make my mouth water, now simply hold not interest for me at all.

    We went out this weekend, and I ordered Shepard's Pie. Just a few mouthfuls and the mashed potatoes just became 'too much'. I barely ate any of them. Things like cake, which I used to love, I barely think about any more. I know that I've definitely come to appreciate 'good' things a lot more. If I am going eat something with high carb content, it's going to have to be really high quality, and really good.

    The other upside to protein, is how much less hungry I am. I used to always be hungry. Now, I sometimes need to remind myself to eat.
  • MarissaCB39
    MarissaCB39 Posts: 115 Member
    I love the low carb lifestyle. I've been in Induction since June of this year and it is very sustainable.
  • foochick
    foochick Posts: 105 Member
    Congratulations! And welcome! This is, by far, the most sustainable way of eating that I have tried. Sure, I could probably lose some weight and get fitter with the low cal/low fat way, but I cant sustain that because of the carb addiction. Sugar is like poison to me, apparently. I have chronic pain issues that are so much better now, I have energy to exercise now, my digestive system is overall better, my hormonal system is not always out of whack. I'm sticking with it. It's a permanent change.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Woo hoo! Welcome to the low carb lifestyle. Glad you are seeing such early success, it can be very motivating!

    I remember when I started Atkins, I had to give up my nightly pasta ritual. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't. In fact, I don't miss it at all, just really glad the hungry monster inside of me is gone. :)