Introductions and accountability buddy :)



  • ADDiCTiONNx812
    ADDiCTiONNx812 Posts: 7 Member
    that sounds like a great idea :) i love having someone to keep me going, and that i can help support. If anyone wants to be mine, add me & message me :)
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member

    Welcome to the site, and I sent you a friend request. Also looking forward to starting 30ds especially seen I've seen some awesome before and after pics!

    Thanks! Look forward to talking to you on Monday!
  • LauraS916
    LauraS916 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi, my name is Laura from Sacramento California. I would really love to have a partner to support & encourage , we will be in this together! I am truly committed! of course I would like the same love in return! If anyone is interested please send me a friend request with a message regarding the program! SUPER EXCITED!
  • ME ME!!! I need a buddy! My name is Toya and i am from Georgia. I am in deseperate need to shed 50 pounds and i am ready to start. 30 Day Shred is a great place for me to begin and i am ready.. Sorry for no picture i will be updating my account this weekend. i am excited to start!
  • LauraS916
    LauraS916 Posts: 35 Member
    Yay! we can do this!
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    From Indy, in

    I have three kiddos, five year old twins and a 3 year old. I'd love to lose 30ish more pounds but will see what happens with my shape more than my weight. I love cardio so this is a jump start to strength training for me. :). So excited to get started. I will start the first, I'm out of town this weekend.
  • cwade1021
    cwade1021 Posts: 95 Member

    My name is Candice, I am 29. I'm excited to start this with everyone and I'd love an accountability buddy!!

    I just tried level 1 day 1 today and only made it about half way through before I felt sick. So let's hope tomorrow is better!!
  • hi, i'm yasmin. would luv to have a buddy. i'm 41 and have 3 kids. need all the motivation i can get.
  • I need a buddy!!
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    If you still need a buddy send me a request! I'm starting Monday. Right now I do only cardio so I really need this!
  • Just sent you a message/friend request:)
  • aprillynn329
    aprillynn329 Posts: 18 Member
    Anyone still looking for a buddy?? Add/message me! We can do this!! :)
  • kfash
    kfash Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in need of a buddy. Hi, i'm Anita I could be all your mom's! LOL I'm 53 yrs young I have 2 daughters 28, 30. I must say I am proud to see all you ladies trying now to loose weight at such a early age. When you get to be my age it's so much harder. So keep up the great work you all are doing. I did start this about 2 wks ago and then got really sick with the flu and it took it out of me, so I stopped it and now want to start again.

    HI! I am 50+ years young also and would love to have a buddy in my age group. It really is harder when you are older but we "young at heart" will perservere!

    Please le me know if you would like to be buddies. I'm new to MFP so I dont know how to add a buddy!

  • xoTammyox
    xoTammyox Posts: 74 Member
    Oh dang! I joined this group several days ago and I haven't checked in. If there is anyone who needs a buddy I need one too.

    I'm Tammy 33 yrs old, I'm an accountant, I work full-time, I have 4 kiddos ages are 3 months, 1 yr, 5 yr and 7 1/2 yr old all BOYS! I'm from Southern California.

    Message me. Thanks.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I wasn't going to do this because technically I don't get the all clear from my Doctor until this Wed (3rd October). I had a c-section 5.5 weeks ago but am pretty certain I'm 99.9% healed. The doc's couldn't believe how quickly I recovered from the 1st c-section so I think the 2nd time around I've healed just as well. I've been doing some walking but that is about it but I can't wait to get back into it as the weight didn't fall off as much as I would have liked (1st time I instantly dropped 15kgs, this time I've only dropped 9kgs). I gained 22kgs in total :sad: with this pregnancy.

    ANYWAY - enough of the boring stuff. I'm keen as beans to get started SO, if anyone doesn't have a buddy. Send me a friend request. I'm assuming we are posting our start weight & measurements somewhere??

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • Elo99
    Elo99 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi I'm Erin! I'm 31 years old in live in Northern California.

    If anyone is still in need of a buddy let me know!! Can't wait to get this started tomorrow :love:
  • mistylee0104
    mistylee0104 Posts: 95 Member
    Would love an accountability buddy! :)

    I'm 31 a mom of 2 beautiful little girls (3 year old & 22 month old). I am a very busy stay at home mom. I live in ND-Bismarck to be exact. My profile tells a little bit more about me if your interested in being friends.

    Very excited to get started on this in the AM :) Good Luck everyone! Looking for great results by day 30!
  • fitnessprincessy69
    fitnessprincessy69 Posts: 38 Member
    I am 43 year old woman and have 4 daughters (13, 11, 7, and 6). I joined MFP a while ago just to keep me on track while taking care of my sick mom. Over the summer I stopped keeping a food journal and gained 20 pounds. Since September 1, I have been walking 3-5 miles 4-6 times a week, but weight hasn't been coming off. I am hoping Jillian and a buddy will keep me strong! .

    Does anybody need a buddy?
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Hi everyone! :bigsmile:

    I can't wait to take on this October 30DS challenge with all of you!

    I am a twenty-two year old college student. I am busy, busy, busy but I always make time for a little MyFitnessPal logging & chatting! :flowerforyou: I have a boyfriend of six and a half years and two adorable cats, Milo and Jinx. I've been obese my entire life and I lost 13 pounds in two months over the summer but I fell off the horse. :huh:

    Time to get back on! If anyone would like me as an accountability buddy, please let me know, because it would be lovely to have one!

    And to the ladies above me, I know that I'm younger and without children but I'm empathetic to life and I love having friends of all ages and walks of life! So please don't be shy about making a college "kiddo" your buddy! :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • mmmba5
    mmmba5 Posts: 7
    I just joined!!