Stress Fracture

I'm so pissed. And disappointed.

Instead of starting Week 4, I now have to wear an ugly boot and am on crutches for four weeks. I have a stress fracture in my 2nd and 3rd metatarsals in my right foot.

I can't believe I blew it. I was so proud of my progress and now I'm out of commission. I wanted to run my first 5k in November, but now that's not going to happen.

What do I do when I'm able to run again? Start over? I really don't want to do that. Plus, it's going to be getting cold out. Do I just bundle up and run? I'd rather not have to run on a treadmill at the gym.


  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    Sorry that this has happened to you!

    You really must focus on recovery, but perhaps you could figure out other exercises to do while off of your feet (sit ups or weight training come to mind).

    As for restarting the program, it makes sense to ease back into running again as to not re-injure yourself. You will raise your risk of injury if you jump back to week 4 after taking 4 weeks off, possibly ending up being out even longer.

    I personally love to run outside in the elements no matter what they are. I ran in a tropical storm a few weeks ago - it was a blast. Winters are very mild where I live, so I do not have to be concerned with ice/snow. Sorry, can't help you with this one.
  • kjuskiw
    OOh I do understand your blight! I too was going strong and felt so proud of powering through C25K... with a goal set and timed perfect for my first 5K in November - It was going to be my own special present to me
    as you; into week 4 my L ankle was not happy; ended up in the ER no stress # (thank goodness) but angry ligaments and tendons. That was 4 weeks ago. It sure did set me back :( I did a bunch of "googling" ankle injuries and work out regimes -- but it was cardio I needed to help me with my weight loss goals. So I attempted a bike ride around the block -- but anyway got myself into a spin class at the gym. I actually just met with a physiotherapist yesterday; to help me get back on track. and she did tell me that wont be an issue but indeed will have to start from week one again. but hey we just cant hurry our life away I spose.
    Look after you and we will both be out there soon enough