What is your favorite "CLEAN" lunch??

One of my favorite lunches is simply a Mission medium-sized whole wheat tortilla, with laughing cow swiss light cheese spread on it, with 3oz chicken breast, spinach, halved cherry tomatoes and salsa. Simple but delicious!!

280 calories
29 carbs
6 fat
28 protein
6 fiber


  • emilygh1974
    emilygh1974 Posts: 65 Member
    So LC is clean?
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    So sorry Emily! Just saw this! Are you asking about Lean Cuisine?? No, probabably not. Clean means non-processed and LC and Weight Watcher type meals are heavily processed with sauces,etc., usually. Not your best choice.
  • elizawe
    elizawe Posts: 54 Member
    one of my favorite lunches is a spinach salad with avocado, organic turkey, almond slices, tomato, and balsamic dressing. If that doesn't fill me up, I usually add a tbs of peanut butter (usually nutzo or almond butter) and strawberry jam on a slice of Ezekiel bread.
  • TinaOsborneRN
    TinaOsborneRN Posts: 73 Member
    Sounds delicious Eliza! Love Ezekiel bread!
  • CarieLivs
    CarieLivs Posts: 15 Member
    My favorite quick and easy lunch is my Chicken & Black Bean tacos. I grill lots of chicken on the weekends so I have it at hand for quick meals. I listed my recipe below:

    1 Whole Wheat Flour Tortilla
    2oz Grilled Chicken (shredded)
    1/4 c. canned Black Beans (I open a can, rinse them and put in a container in the fridge for the week as well)
    1/8 c. or less 2% Mexican Shredded Cheese
    1/2 c. or more Baby Spinach
    1-2 Tbsp. Salsa
    1 Tbsp Fage 0% Greek Yogurt (tastes like sour cream to me)

    I place the tortilla in a microwave safe plastic container, add chicken, black beans & cheese. Then I place my baby spinach in a baggy. And finally, I mix my salsa and yogurt in a small plastic container and pack it all in my lunch box. When I am ready to eat, I heat the tortilla, black bean, & chicken tortilla in microwave for 1 minute. When its done I add my spinach and my salsa/yogurt mixture on top and enjoy a very satisfying meal for only about 260 calories.
  • gmanikki1
    gmanikki1 Posts: 5 Member
    All of those sound so good. Im jist starting feeling my way thru. Should of paid more attention when my gma was trying to teach me