my little story

i started smoking when i got with my ex (a "bad boy") about a year ago and weight FLEW OFF. i was a binger and i went from 180 to 145 in like 5 months. idk if it was the smoking, the fact that i was super busy (and anxious) or the fact that the ex was too broke to take me out to eat that helped me shed weight but one thing i do know...smoking stopped MANY MANY MANY binges (my binges were nuts. easily 4000-5000 calories a day). so i continued the smoking because that has been the ONLY THING i have ever crossed that has stopped me from binging (i have seen therapists, i have done self help activities...nothing worked).

Now i am terrified if i quit im going to fall back into my binging routine. i want to stress how BAD my binges used to be... like i'd from 8a-10p i just INHALED food (sometimes i'd skip CLASS to go buy food and eat). pass out. start another pathetic binge the next day. my life was just SAD; because of the binging i'd stay home all the time, avoid my friends, any social gathering. im a wreck when i binge.
So yes, i'll quit smoking but will there be any benefit? i'll balloon up and along with that ill be depressed and isolate myself like i always do when i get big. i REALLY do want to quit though because my health has drastically deteriorated. i feel it and im miserable but so torn.


  • Squashypig
    Squashypig Posts: 60 Member
    I'd be inclined to get into the healthy eating routine first. Your diary logging looks good, you're keeping on it. Seems like you're eating below your calorie goal so why not start allowing yourself a small quantity of nuts (if that's what you binge most on). Weigh them out and put them in a container and only have what you've allowed yourself. That way you can still have what you love but in a small quantity. Don't set yourself up to fail by saying you know you'll go back to binge eating if you quit smoking. Try telling yourself you can do this. There are plenty of people here to support you no matter what your downfall. Do whatever works for you, it may take several attempts to find the right way for you. You do need to be emotionally ready for it though and it's a hard fight. We don't always win the first time, or the second or third......but with sheer guts and determination it can be done. I hope you find your way and I wish you every success! By the way I'm using Smoke Relief electronic cigarettes and I'm 6 days without a 'real' cig. This is so easy for me as it's just like smoking a real one, still getting the nicotine fix, but without all the harmful crap that goes with it! I don't feel deprived at all and certainly don't crave a real cig. Good luck :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • Caitlinhappymeal
    Caitlinhappymeal Posts: 185 Member
    Hi, the benefits for stopping smoking will be that you will not end up with terminal breathing problems or smoking related cancers. Its all very well saying we all have to die of something but particularly breathing problems you will have to live with for A LOT of years before death is the relief. Go and spend time with someone hooked up to an oxygen tank at home and ask them what the benefits of giving up smoking are!

    On a positive note you are a member on here, which can be, if used properly a very very effective tool for remaining up beat and getting fantastic results during tough times.

    Good luck with your endeavours xx