Help me choose my activity level/calories please

awerewka Posts: 151 Member
I have a sedentary job working for a Dr. mostly working at the computer.

I workout 3-5 days a week 30 min-1 hour doing cardio .... light strength training combined.

I use a HRM and average 200-400 calories burned as per HRM.

I have been using light and my TDEE according to Fat2Fit is about 2400-2450 and my BMR is 1740.

I have been eating at 1700 for four weeks and did initially lose 4 pounds but have stalled. I upped my cals to 1850 this am and will slowly add more to be eating 15-20% cut. 1950-2100...but it all depends if I have chosen my activity level properly.

My workouts are not strenuous. Usually.

More info

5ft8, 219lbs, 31yrs, Female, body fat 38-41%ish

My mother flipped on me when I told her about eating more to lose and totally made me second guess everything. My mother is def not the healthiest eater and has probably been eating low cal her whole life.

I want to be healthy and I believe in this method. I will no longer talk to her about my weight loss journey. I dont want to be sidetracked.


  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    I think you know what to do but your mom spooked you. On this program it seems you can talk to others on it but "outsiders" tend to be skeptical. If she had a great success on something, you may want her advice but sounds like she has her own issues so stick to your guns! I got 1775 for your BMR on scooby so makes sense that you stalled on 1700. It had 2200 on you at a 15% cut. I think 3-5 hours moderate was what I used as your level. I have heard that many people underestimate when they get a fitbit-they can tell. So if you are between levels, I would choose the higher one.

    My mother in law was so unhelpful the first time I visited this year but now that I have lost almost 40 pounds she was gushing about me to my mom. It makes me really uncomfortable - I just want to scream- no thanks to you! PM me if you need to talk. I have my days too but I have been doing this since April. I have been yo yoing my whole life & if this can prevent you from that rollercoaster, jump on it! Best of luck.