Hope this goes well... new trainer

caribougal Posts: 865 Member
I'm booking time with a new trainer... recommended to me by my old trainer who doesn't have time for me at 6am. I'm going to ask her to coach me through StrongLifts 5x5 program. Which is nothing like the strength training program she has on her website, so... we'll see.

I also see on her website she does nutritional counseling. She has a bunch of calculators.

According to her calculators, my BMR is 1283. That's about what I got on other calcs, give or take.

It tells me I should be consuming 2,052 cals/day. My previous trainer told me 1300 when he gave me the dreaded zone diet spiel. I have my MFP cal goal at 1400, but I have always told myself I could go as high as 1800, which I don't think I've ever done. Assuming I do a regular strength workout, it makes sense to me that my cal goal should be higher than my current 1400, but I'm not so sure about 2052.

Here are the kickers...
Based on 2,052, it tells me my fat intake should be 45.6 g/day. I think I'm averaging 70-80g/day on 1400 cal.
Based on 2,052, it tells me my carb intake should be 205.2 g/day!!! I think I'm averaging about 70 g/day eating Primal.

Ha. I hope she's supportive of my eating primal. If not, she won't be my trainer for very long.


  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    Uh oh. Sounds like some conventional wisdom is coming your way.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    yeah, those are ridiculously high carb and low fat recommendations. That gets so tiring, doesn't it? Maybe just take the training advice and tell her you have your nutrition well under control. Stick to what you know works for you.

    I know that when I first found MFP, I was put off by the macro goals. So much so that I closed the browser and didn't come back for some months. Then I came back and took the time to explore and found out that I could change them; yay!

    And then I found all of you super, supportive paleo/primal/high fat people that completely understand what I am doing! I love it!