Oestrogen dominance and Hypothyroidism

shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
OMG! I just started reading the book 'From Belly Fat to Belly Flat" by Dr C W Randolph and on page 8 under it says:

"The thyroid gland is best known for its metabolic function affecting weight. OESTROGEN DOMINANCE RENDERS THE THYROID HORMONES DYSFUNCTIONAL!! "

I never knew that! I thought i was on a high dose and couldn't understand why was still getting hypothyroid symptoms! My doctor said it was impossible its highest dos they can give me, my symptoms must be coming from the ataxia.

Oestrogen dominance explains why weight goes around the stomach despite you eating very little. The book shows a diet I haven't got to that part but but tells you what to eat and what not to and suggests progesterone treatment rather than oestrogen replacement which many woman get on advice of doctor when going through the menopause.

Men can also be Oestrogen dominant! but tends to happen after forty in men when they get their spare tyre and their sex drive decreases cos their testosterone levels decline. As these decline along with their progesterone levels also they become oestrogen dominant!

I'm off to read the rest now and see what foods I need to add to my shopping list and what needs to come off!!