Hello everyone..

I have done LOW CARB diets in past.. Succeeded then failed. majorly.. I also have a history of Kidney stones.. Was told by my nephrologist no high protein diets.. BUT i know for sure i can not continue on with Carbs. I am addicted and have been gaining 10lbs a year past 6 years since my last child. So i need to lose weight eat healthy and balanced and i know protein and low carb is for me.. So PALEO it is..

Does anyone have advice as to how to reduce chances of kidney stone episode.. (WORST PAIN EVER) even after have 3 children naturally.. :-(

I have tried to read what Robb Wolff and Mark have to say but any of you have more input? THANKS!!!

I eventually want to add some good carbs in my diet but for now to detox and "kick the habit" i have to go STRICT.. I am doing the 21 day Sugar Detox.. Was going to do the WHOLE30 after that.. So i want to try 30-60 days to break the habit of sugar/processed carbs.. Then I think i will be balanced enough to introduce "healthy carbs" Some fruit and some other healthy things like quinoa and sweet potatoes??


  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    I have no experience here. But I'd ask - what does your DR say might have been a contributing factor to your kidney stones? I know drinking more water helps right (along with eat less meat so they say).

    I would wonder if through proper nutrition if your kidney and liver function might normalize? Thereby allowing you to eat higher amounts of protein.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Paleo is more of a high (good) fat diet, than high protein.
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    I also have no experience here! I have no idea if it matters where your protein comes from, but if so...

    What if you focus more on proteins from eggs and fish, rather than animal meats?

    Whole fat greek yogurt?

    You might also defy the paleo police and eat things like hummus/chickpeas/quinoi for protein occasionally. I'm pretty sure you won't be booted out of the club. Just eat the the hummus on cucumber or radish slices instead of pita. :-)
  • MikeFlyMike
    MikeFlyMike Posts: 639 Member
    I wouldn't vote you off the island for hummus/chickpeas/quinoi. :)
    Especially since it would be for medical reasons.

    Same reason I still engage in adult beverages - for medicinal purposes.

    (I actually don't think those items are big offenders at all)
  • AKbluedragonfly
    AKbluedragonfly Posts: 79 Member
    Ketosis is about high fat, not high protein. You really shouldn't be eating any more protein than you did when you were eating a conventional diet.(Unless you were a vegetarian or something) Regardless, drinking a ton of water is necessary when in ketosis. It's easy to get dehydrated, and not only that, but more water helps decrease the chance of kidney stones or constipation.
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    Go way high fat, this is important in ketosis. Low protein, low carbs.

    Make sure you supplement magnesium (I like natural calm orange), plenty of sodium and potassium as well.