Pre-Crackdownontraining-jitters and the likes there of...

spaceEF Posts: 141 Member
Share your motivational tidbits, your fears, your confidence, whatever you need let it all out now before this party gets started. :glasses:


  • jesslynn0828
    I'll start with you!!! I just purchased this workout set and have not started yet so starting on Oct 1st would be great! My motivation is my wedding that is in 37 days! I have recently lost about 10 lbs countting caliories like a maniac and now I need to tone up! Any fears that I have are that I will start this and not conitnue but with the group I should be able to stay on track! Also I am super scared that I will gain my weight back before my wedding. That can not happen b/c then my dress will not fit! So I am excited to start this little journey!
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm super excited to start on Monday. Having said that, over the last few days I've been watching the workouts to familiarise myself with them. And I have to say I'm getting tired just watching them! The first 2 look alright and not too challenging, but from 3 onwards it's pretty daunting for me!

    Hopefully I will see enough of a fitness increase in those first two weeks that by the time I hit workout 3 it's not as bad as it seems now. I'm sure that's how Jillian designed the program anyway.

    Also watching workout 12 was a mistake. I wanted to die just watching them.
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    This sounds like fun. I'm excited to have some group togetherness in doing this~ And love the idea of being a hottie by New Years :) Thanks for starting this group girl! :)
  • spaceEF
    spaceEF Posts: 141 Member
    Holy smokes, 14 people already?! I guess I have to actually commit now! :tongue: :blushing: :glasses:

  • Kattienne
    Hello:) I am totally in:)) Are we including nutrition plan? Starting with 7 day kick start? I am not good at dieting:(( When during the day U are planning your workout time?
  • spaceEF
    spaceEF Posts: 141 Member
    Hello:) I am totally in:)) Are we including nutrition plan? Starting with 7 day kick start? I am not good at dieting:(( When during the day U are planning your workout time?
    Awesome! I can't wait!

    I planned on skipping the 7 day kick start, but if anyone starting from scratch wants to start there go ahead! The nutrition plan is totally up to each individual. I do alright with eating.... I am just incredibly lazy. But if the nutritional plan will help anyone by all means please follow it! I'm sure you'll blow my results out of the water!!! I plan to work out in the mornings most days, but some days my husband comes home late so I can use those to work out at night if I don't want to get up early! But I'm not sure if that matters really, whenever you'd like will be great! Each day is only 30 minutes I believe. However I plan to throw in 3 days of running a week as well. Eeek.
  • spaceEF
    spaceEF Posts: 141 Member
    I'm super excited to start on Monday. Having said that, over the last few days I've been watching the workouts to familiarise myself with them. And I have to say I'm getting tired just watching them! The first 2 look alright and not too challenging, but from 3 onwards it's pretty daunting for me!

    Hopefully I will see enough of a fitness increase in those first two weeks that by the time I hit workout 3 it's not as bad as it seems now. I'm sure that's how Jillian designed the program anyway.

    Also watching workout 12 was a mistake. I wanted to die just watching them.

    Ha ha, yes, maybe a bad idea to watch that last one now, BUT BUT just think if you stick with it all from the beginning you WILL be doing that come December! So that will be a huge accomplishment just to get there! :) You get two weeks at each level, so I'm sure moving up like that will help!
  • spaceEF
    spaceEF Posts: 141 Member
    I'll start with you!!! I just purchased this workout set and have not started yet so starting on Oct 1st would be great! My motivation is my wedding that is in 37 days! I have recently lost about 10 lbs countting caliories like a maniac and now I need to tone up! Any fears that I have are that I will start this and not conitnue but with the group I should be able to stay on track! Also I am super scared that I will gain my weight back before my wedding. That can not happen b/c then my dress will not fit! So I am excited to start this little journey!

    CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding! I'm sure these videos can help get you there and then you can finish the second half of the series after the honeymoon to make that hot body stick!!! :-P Girl you better get to moving the next month to keep that dress looking fabulous!
  • spaceEF
    spaceEF Posts: 141 Member
    This sounds like fun. I'm excited to have some group togetherness in doing this~ And love the idea of being a hottie by New Years :) Thanks for starting this group girl! :)

    You're welcome!! :-) Yeah, I usually quit if I don't have a group for my crazy goals.....but now I am extremely accountable and we don't want to let each other down and not be hot for the next year, right?! Why wait until January and make another resolution to lose weight the following year..... I'd rather have a resolution to STAY HOT than to GET hot! hahahah
  • spaceEF
    spaceEF Posts: 141 Member
    Holy smokes, 14 people already?! I guess I have to actually commit now! :tongue: :blushing: :glasses:



    HOLY COW! :smokin:
  • Findleyn
    Findleyn Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in!

    My biggest fear is that life/stress will get in the way and I will fall off the workout train. We are starting a fitness challenge at my work, so this works out great to help with accountability as well.

    My plan is to get up early and work out in the mornings followed by a protein shake for breakfast. I do need to work on getting more fruits/veggies, but am not interested in following the meal plan...I am too picky! :) My overall goal is to lose 30 pounds and several inches, i.e. tone!

    Looking forward to complaining with everyone as well as celebrating a new me!

  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    I'm in :D

    My fear is not getting results. I actually started this program a few months back and got into phase 2 when I lost motivation and missed too many workouts in a row and not seeing any results decided to start over at a later date. So I guess later date with be the first :) I won't be following the eating plan but will definitely have to do some fixing to my eating as I think that was my problem before.
  • SoapyPonyLevine
    SoapyPonyLevine Posts: 644 Member
    Hi girls!! I'm quite excited to start this program. I've recently moved to the UK, and gone back to school and work all at the same time. So I am definitely loving the only 30 minutes thing, because I can't commit loads of time to working out at the moment. I am currently in good shape, but there's always better!! Plus I've just started looking at wedding dresses, and whatever I buy know must still fit next year ♥

  • miamoe15
    miamoe15 Posts: 28 Member
    I am in the midst of some big changes when it comes to a job and where I am going to be living. I will be moving at the end of October and I am visiting family in the middle of the month, no doubt this will be a challenge but I plan on persevering! Overall I need to lose weight to have a healthy BMI. My first weight loss goal is to get out of the 200s, which hopefully I can do by next week!! Then I want to get to down to the 170s, then 150 is my ultimate goal. I want to also start running but likely will not begin that until November, so I can have a running buddy (where I am moving). :) Please add me so I can have people to keep me accountable and vise versa.
  • SciRice
    SciRice Posts: 68 Member
    I'm so in and glad to be doing it this time with a group. This will be my second start. I got an injury playing softball and could not do a lunge to save my life...just when it was becoming my favorite exercise. I think its already Jillian's cause she always includes them :-P This time around I want to complete the entire program and this gives me some motivation.

    Ladies we can do this!