
Hello Guys,
So I have been struggling to keep myself on track lately, I think i am officially over my hump but for the past two weeks I have been eating horribly (McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, burgers, french fries, banana pudding, chocolate, you name it i ate it), not logging my food, carb galore sporadic with my workouts, and just plain bad heath habits.
I want to know if anyone else is struggling as bad as I am and does anyone have any advise on how I can really get back on track because I'm getting desperate. I am not ready for the scale to tell me I'm back in the 200's again.


  • SlickDaddyCool
    SlickDaddyCool Posts: 161 Member
    I know that when I get to eating poorly, I absolutely keep track of my weight, religiously!. I have a number in my head that once I hit I stop. It's not like that my goal, it's just unbearable to pass it. You referenced your no go zone in your post. Definitely don't be afraid of the scale, it is your tool, use it.

    One method I use to get off a binge tear, which is what I do, I will tell everyone I know that I'm trying to eat better. That it's really important to me and that I would appreciate it if they could understand that. I know that this rarely does ****, but it's all about regaining a mind set.

    Then I will write big notes to myself and tape them to my mirror. That way when I get up and look in the mirror, I'm contributing my weight gain to my binge eating.

    Lastly, I commit to not eating fast food. And by fast i mean anything that I don't make myself. It's just too tempting to over eat when you can get it fast and easy. Make it something you have to work for. This allows you time to think about what your eating and when your done cooking it, it tastes sooo much better than if you ordered it!

    Hope this helps! Don't get too down on yourself. This is not a race, but it is something that you NEED to stay motivated on, even when the times get tough. (Like now)

    Although, the longer you battle this, the farther apart and the shorter the tough times will become.

    Until one morning you look in the mirror and say to yourself, I love the way I look!!! It WILL happen, it may just take time. Stick with it! I KNOW you can do it!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Hello Guys,
    So I have been struggling to keep myself on track lately, I think i am officially over my hump but for the past two weeks I have been eating horribly (McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts, burgers, french fries, banana pudding, chocolate, you name it i ate it), not logging my food, carb galore sporadic with my workouts, and just plain bad heath habits.
    I want to know if anyone else is struggling as bad as I am and does anyone have any advise on how I can really get back on track because I'm getting desperate. I am not ready for the scale to tell me I'm back in the 200's again.

    I bought a box of 12 Clif bars at Whole Foods for the discount. As feared, I've been eating too many of them. I usually try not to buy things in which I'll be tempted to overindulge.

    I can't say I'm "struggling," but I'm not happy with myself.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I know that when I get to eating poorly, I absolutely keep track of my weight, religiously!. I have a number in my head that once I hit I stop.

    I'm the same way.
  • Marlinedorcinvil
    Marlinedorcinvil Posts: 115 Member
    I think the not eating out is one of the toughest things for me. I have a 10am to 10pm kind of day, where between those times Im in school, at work, studying, and in my lab and everyday is a different schedule. It gets hard to always have to carry around food especially if i may not have anywhere to put it and heat it up. I also have little time to cook. Before starting back at school I had a schedules routine that allowed me to make dinner every night and i would just have the left overs the next morning but I cant do that now. So what i usually do is eat at a restaurant near by. I am paleo/atkins so i do a low carb diet and ordering out isnt always easy because i always have to check exactly what they put in the food and do they have other side options....

    I have to figure this out, cant keep going down this road.
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    As with any addiction, to quit completely is hard.

    Wean yourself.

    Give yourself one meal a week where you indulge yourself with fast food.

    You will eventually wean yourself off of the habit of going there.

    I got fat on fast foods, its horrible and addictive.

    You can do it. If you find yourself in line waiting, leave. eventually you will not even miss it I guarantee you.

    I enjoy eating clean and creating food now. Get into the joy of cooking.
  • SlickDaddyCool
    SlickDaddyCool Posts: 161 Member
    I think the not eating out is one of the toughest things for me. I have a 10am to 10pm kind of day, where between those times Im in school, at work, studying, and in my lab and everyday is a different schedule. It gets hard to always have to carry around food especially if i may not have anywhere to put it and heat it up. I also have little time to cook. Before starting back at school I had a schedules routine that allowed me to make dinner every night and i would just have the left overs the next morning but I cant do that now. So what i usually do is eat at a restaurant near by. I am paleo/atkins so i do a low carb diet and ordering out isnt always easy because i always have to check exactly what they put in the food and do they have other side options....

    I have to figure this out, cant keep going down this road.

    My fast on the go fix is Subway. A 6 inch ham sub loaded down with all the veggies and 2 different kinds of mustard is only like 300 cals. It fills me up every time. Subway in general has a lot of decent choices and is always within 10 minutes of where ever you are.

    Another thing you can do is buy some Low Cal dressing and throw it in a lunch bag with an ice pack. I use Walden Farms Italian dressing. It's ZERO calories. Then I can get salads when I go out and eat till my hearts content!

    Just noticed that you said your doing a Low Carb diet. I did that for a couple years on and off. It actually caused me to binge and fall off way more than just a reduced calorie diet. I wouldn't do it long term under any circumstances. Just my 2 cents.

    Well, that's all I got for now.

  • shinjite
    Maybe you need to switch to another kind of diet. What you are binging on are carbs so apparently the low carb diet is getting to you. Maybe consider a diet where you gradually reduce the carbs so these episodes do not occur.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    I try to work out in advance what I am going to do. have had friends here on holiday and last week was a bit of a nightmare as I had not really planned my days out. This morning I sat down with pen and paper (old fashioned in this tech age I know) and wrote down each day and what I could do, what I could have. Then start time and finish time (I am trying to fit in a complete week of 16/8). It suddenly fitted into place. I may change an odd day here or there but at least I do not have to wonder about the basics.

    Its worth a try.