Increasing Cals is not fun!Help

NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
I have changed from 1000 max to 1400.per day. I did the scooby calculator.BMR 1560-TDEE 2419 So technically I am still at a deficit.I am trying, I do work out every day..I am struggling to make myself eat more. I seem to be staying he same weight too. It is making me anxious to think I must eat back my exercise cals on top of this..I need support. I am doing way too much reserch and get a lot of conflicting advise. Help


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    It is scary but it does require trust in the process. As you work out a lot then it is likely you are staying the same weight because your body is holding onto fat reserves because it not only needs to keep all your internal organs working properly, it also needs to get you through those work outs. Once you start eating more on a regular basis (consistency is important here) your body should start to realise that there is always going to be an ample supply of fuel for your muscles and therefore it will start to let go of the fat reserves that it's currently desparately trying to hold onto in case of times of need.

    The "Increasing Calories and What to Expect" thread is very helpful here and you do need to be prepared that there may be an initial weight gain but much of this will be water weight and not fat and it will be temporary.

    Most people (myself included) also find that once they overcome the difficulty of how to physically fit so many more calories into their day, their bodies very quickly adapt to this (this was a matter of just a few days of increased eating in my case) and soon start to wonder how they made it through the day on so little food.
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    I have read those posts and also watched a lot of youtube stuff.Dont think I could go too much over where I am at now. To gain MORE weight would mortify me.I think I need to hear more testimonies from people who haven't been massivly over weight before at my heaviest I was 147.So the ides that I will gain weight is terrifying