End of Week 2 of Reset Check in

Ok end of week two.
Some days I still find it hard to eat enough. And Im not feeling so great. Constantly bloated and full.
I got on the scale at the gym last night and Im up 10 lbs.
I knew it was going to happen, but can't say Im happy about it as Im one week away from my huge belly dance showcase and need to be in full costume.

I really can't wait for reset to be over. Its more difficult than I think we all anticipate at first.
But as with anything, it will get easier.

Im REALLY looking forward to that first "woosh" syndrome to happen.


  • I'm on week three. I know the feeling.

    Belly dancers are supposed to have big beautiful bellies ;)

    Seriously though, I know it's hard. I struggle eating 2600 cals a day and have been getting more like 2200 the last few days. But I'm finally starting to feel a little better and I'm actually getting hungry. A lot. I've gained about ten too. Hang in there!
  • i am so glad you're right there with me! LOL
    its much easier to know im not crazy!

    that's one thing I love about my two dance classes and my troupe mates, we're all so differently shaped. Its awesome!

    Here's to hoping week three gets better like yours did! :)