STS - Sell me on it...

Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
Ok...need some opinions. I'm seriously thinking of getting STS for the New Year. BUT...what I want to know is....WHY is it superior to other workouts...what can I expect to gain from it that I can't get from really pushing myself in say...Chalean Extreme, or NROL4W? Is it worth my investment or can I get great results with CLX/P90X/TF or using NROL4W as long as I keep progressing? What can STS give me that those can't? Is it superior for both bulk and cut phases? or just bulking? Is it superior because the workouts will give me better results or because of HOW it's presented and laid out for us??

I need to be able to justify the cost people....Sell me on it scientifically. - not just "I love this program" or "It will work your butt off!" :)


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Bumping - I'd like to know more about it too. Can't afford it for the time being as I've already got a long list of things I'm saving for but would like to learn more for future reference.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    Here is a response I got from 31Proverbs (aka Kiki - one of the founders of EM2WL and a personal Trainer):

    STS is simply on another level. There has NEVER been a workout done like it, it is ridiculously thorough. You may read about 1RMs and understand the importance of periodization, but most people have NO idea, how to put it all into action. All the guess work is done for you. The program is COMPLETELY personalized to you. So that you are lifting the exact amount that YOU should be lifting for the exact amount of reps, and exact rest periods. And then you progress. Each week it calculates your numbers FOR YOU, so that you are constantly adjusting at the right rate/percentage of your 1RM. It's really bar none. I could go one forever. Also, you don't *have* to bulk with STS. It's just the perfect program to do it with, because you know that you are being challenged to your full potential for muscle building. But, that being said, it's just as perfect for cutting. You simply can't go wrong. I'm a personal trainer, and I'd recommend STS over a trainer ALL.DAY.

    I even *tried* duplicating STS. First, before I ever knew about it, & then again after I did. I took all of the info that she had available on the site, and tried to recreate it (because as I researched on it I KNEW it was genius, but couldn't afford it).

    My attempts got me slightly closer, but it was just too much work. I finally talked DH into letting purchase M1 only. Because the resale value was still so high, I convinced him that I just needs to see *how* she did it. Then I could resell it, and create my own program. Needless to say I ended up spending TWICE as much purchasing the whole thing after finishing M1. I just couldn't do it on my own.

    And I do this FOR A LIVING.

    Can you imagine how much clout that carries?

    Most people do a horrible job of creating their own programs.. That's why when they follow programs by trainers/DVD programs/books or whatever, they work harder/see better results than being hodgepodge putting their own stuff together. But we are talking about TRAINERS that see the validity in the program. People who create workout plans for other people.

    Sorry for the ramble, but when I say it's bar none...I'm so serious...

  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    So I guess it's like having a personal trainer, in which case in the long run is probably is well worth the expense. Arg, something else for my wish list!!
  • dzinergrl18
    dzinergrl18 Posts: 105 Member
    I just bought it this morning on eBay. Was slightly used but with 2 day shipping, only paid $105!!!! Was thrilled! Still not sure how I'm going to sell hubby on it once it comes, but I couldn't pass it up. I'm all over beachbody and its products. In fact, I have most of them and im a coach, so this makes me nervous to be doing something not from their site with trainers I've used in the past. But it gets so many positive comments everywhere that I thought I'd give it a try. I'll let you know! Friend me if you'd like and good luck making the decision!
  • amonkey794
    amonkey794 Posts: 651 Member
    What is STS?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I just bought it this morning on eBay. Was slightly used but with 2 day shipping, only paid $105!!!! Was thrilled! Still not sure how I'm going to sell hubby on it once it comes, but I couldn't pass it up. I'm all over beachbody and its products. In fact, I have most of them and im a coach, so this makes me nervous to be doing something not from their site with trainers I've used in the past. But it gets so many positive comments everywhere that I thought I'd give it a try. I'll let you know! Friend me if you'd like and good luck making the decision!

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Ok...need some opinions. I'm seriously thinking of getting STS for the New Year. BUT...what I want to know is....WHY is it superior to other workouts...what can I expect to gain from it that I can't get from really pushing myself in say...Chalean Extreme, or NROL4W? Is it worth my investment or can I get great results with CLX/P90X/TF or using NROL4W as long as I keep progressing? What can STS give me that those can't? Is it superior for both bulk and cut phases? or just bulking? Is it superior because the workouts will give me better results or because of HOW it's presented and laid out for us??

    I need to be able to justify the cost people....Sell me on it scientifically. - not just "I love this program" or "It will work your butt off!" :)

    Nicole I responded on em2wl forum;-)
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    What is STS?

    Cathe shock training system. A three month program with three meso cycles...endurance, hypertrophy, and strength. It is amazing.
  • laurae
    laurae Posts: 115 Member
    It definitely is worth it. I bought it first on the pre-purchase while it was in production. After going through it once, I was debating my investment, and sold it on E-bay for about exactly what I paid for it. A year or so later, I regretted it, and bought it again on a 30% off sale. The site accidentally sent me the full set including Squat Rack Legs, which they said just to keep when I informed them. I have gone through it twice since then, and I am about to start up a third time. Even my older teens love going through the program. My daughter even decided to use her own money to buy the STS Tower to use with the program. I got the most out of it this past time because I really pushed myself with the weights since I had the support of others here on MFP doing it right along with me. I only workout at home with DVDs, and Cathe is the best out there. She works both sides evenly, has excellent cuing and form tips, does great warm-ups and stretches, is not annoying in her encouragement like some other instructors are, and is easy to follow along with. If you workout at home a lot, and have the equipment needed, it is an excellent investment.
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    I'm thinking about purchasing the set, but I'm not sure how to use them on my iPhone so I can take t workouts with me to the gym. How can you download to the phone?
  • cazsyl
    cazsyl Posts: 89 Member
    What equipment do you need to do STS?
  • TerezaToledo
    TerezaToledo Posts: 613 Member
    Ok, just figured it out, :)
  • Ok, just figured it out, :)

    Please let us know if you like using it from the phone!! I don't want to work out at home, I want to take it to the gym but want to make sure I can.

    thanks much!