6 Reasons It Is Impossible to Quit 'World of Warcraft'



  • Xarina
    Xarina Posts: 25 Member
    I've only played since the end or so off WOTLK and don't see the addiction with it. I can play 10-12 hours one day to not play at all for a few days. I take short breaks when it gets too repetitive, because it's just gets boring sometimes. Overall it's a fun game and I find it relaxing most of the time.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Played most steadily in '08-'09, and go through phases of being super into it, followed by super over it. Having always played with kids in school, as I was a kid in school, these times were generally Thanksgiving to New Year's, with three months in the summer ;)

    Now that I've been out of school, it's more like, "Hey, I think I have another 10 day free trial of the next expansion I haven't gotten yet.. let me jump back on."

    That being said: MoP surprised the hell out of me by being the best expansion yet imo.
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    I honestly don't get the allure. I played FFXI on release in NA (2003) and then tried WoW shortly after release in 2004 because FFXI was "tedious" after awhile. Maybe the problem was it really was buggy beyond belief on release, but I never really got into it. I even tried playing it again several times because I had friends that were so into it, but it just didn't have enough to keep me entertained for longer than a couple months at a time. I actually regretted playing it because I could never get back into FFXI again after that since all my friends had continued playing and were light years ahead of me. I've played a lot of online role playing games and WoW killed a lot of what made them fun. It was only about leveling and getting cool gear. There really isn't that much of a story that draws you in.

    WoW was always the easiest to quit for me, but if you have fun playing it, then good for you! :drinker:
  • Markiel_tero
    I played a lot during vanilla and stuck with it until after WotLK came out, and then i started going on and off a lot. Mostly because I don't have a lot of friends that play and I'm not social enough to make friends on my own in game, which is partly due to people being slightly "special". Plus I have a family now and that takes up a lot of time.
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    I've been playing since BC. My all time favorite game. Like someone said, I can play 10 hours one day, then take a break for a few days. All in how you approach it. I've done the hardcore raiding thing, and the alt leveling, relaxation thing as well. Depending on what I'm doing, I will want to snack A LOT, or not eat at all. I try to make sure I at least drink a bottle of water when I am logged in..
  • Lostsoul0606
    Still playing till this Day!!!
  • f1ctional
    I have been out a while, mostly due to finances and playing a little bit of the free star wars and star trek, Considering getting MoP and going back in though. I always found it fun, even though I played it more casually than super serious.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    I quit 9 months ago after playing from Vanilla. I'd done it all - PVP, Raiding, questing 11 toons to 85. I was done. It was time to move on. And honestly, I find I don't miss it. It was fun while it lasted and I played much longer than anyone else I'd know, both in-game and out, but it was time to quit. There's only so much Blizz can do to keep me interested, and Pandas just weren't it. :P When GW2 launched, I turned to that and have found my new MMO love. :) Now if only they'd learn to use their microtransactions correctly. :P The stuff in the store SUCKS. I'm like, "I want to give you my money and support you and help you survive! Why aren't you providing me with anything I want to BUY?!?!"
  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    I have been out a while, mostly due to finances and playing a little bit of the free star wars and star trek, Considering getting MoP and going back in though. I always found it fun, even though I played it more casually than super serious.

    Be more than happy to give you a home :)
  • sprinkels29
    I uninstalled it last month, I'm working full-time, going to school full-time and working out. No time! I figure by the time the game actually re downloads to my computer I would have come to my senses. So far I haven't had the guff to even press the download button. lol
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    I played since vanilla, I was almost able to quit for good with cataclysm.

    Now after all my failed attempts to quit they made it really easy for me... pandas. (I don't care if they were in the lore. don't. want.)
  • Jeffersz
    I've played since vanilla just before BC was released, and I don't put in much time at all during the warm weather months. Love it or hate it, its longevity is proof that there's enough people willing to sustain it and keep playing. While raiding is definately my favorite aspect, I must agree that it's been over simplified in the last two X pacs making end game not nearly as enjoyable as it once was. Still, MOP has lots to see and do, and I'm just taking my time with it.
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I have to reply to this one....I started in Vanilla, right before BC was released. I quit some time this past year and don't plan on going back any time soon. Even with the new expansion. End game is a joke, and levelling is beyond repetitive now.
  • Kasya007
    Kasya007 Posts: 165 Member
    I quit at the end of April before I went to walk the Camino de Santiago, and this is the longest that I've been away in years. I won't lie, I miss it terribly and I've been itching to go back. Every time a fan-boy begs or offers to buy me some time, I'm tempted to accept or resub, because I'd really like to get back into it to a good 3v3 going and start streaming...

    ...However, WoW & I are a dangerous mix.

  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I quit successfully! I miss my friends though. Don't miss my guild, or guild leader/raid leaders.

    Switching servers was too expensive, especially with my slew of alts.

    Damn it I actually also miss my sweet mounts, outfits and my hunter bows. So much damn raiding time for virtual goods. DAMN YOU BLIZZARD!
  • ruurik
    ruurik Posts: 143 Member
    I quit but I do miss it. I wasn't in a guild or anything. I just did casual stuff and loved it. Nay bother. I'm enjoying my PS3 again. It's good to vary gaming!
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I've been off WoW for a good 18 months or so. I hate raiding and don't really enjoy dungeons either. If WoW was a single player game I'd probably like it. The problem is so many of the other people playing. It seems to draw people who need the validation of being 'the best'; at least once you get to endgame. For me, the fun was levelling and playing the different zones. Once I hit 60/70/80/85 I'd roll a new char.
  • Thruen
    Thruen Posts: 80 Member
    Recovering addict here.
    I quit halfway of cataclysm, as my best arena friends quit and I found nothing fun in wow anymore.
    I played for 4 years. Had around 7 lvl 85 characters ^^

    I keep wanting to come back time to time but the monthly fee totally puts me off now.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I tried WoW as a break from LotRO, but couldn't get into it, so I went back. All of those things hold true for me, though. I've "quit" twice for 4-6 months, but just go back when a new expansion comes out. Helps that I love the LotR books, so exploring is like reading the books all over again, except I'm in them, helping the fellowship and the other people of Middle Earth. That's both good and bad for me... haha.
  • serasv
    serasv Posts: 56 Member
    I started in back in wrath. I've noticed a trend in my time spent playing. I'll be active for months, and then I'll lose interest and take a break for a few months, never more than a year though. By the time I come back, new patches have been released, new content and gear... and my interest is sparked again.

    It's like Disneyland Churros-Addictive.
    My theory: a little bit of crack mixed in the cinnamon sugar mix.