
i'm 56, 5'7", 140. my goal is 130, but i definitely need to be under 135. i exercise: swim, bike, spin. lift some weights. pretty active at least 5 days a week. but, this menopause thing changes so much. seems like i need to devote a lot more time to exercise just to maintain, much less lose 10 pounds. and my appetite is still what it has been- um quite healthy. anybody have suggestions? i'm sleeping good, which is wonderful, low stress, seldom drink alcohol, but, these stubborn pounds...!


  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    You aren't really overweight unless you have a particularly small frame, so it's just that it's hardest to lose those last several pounds, I think. I'm 47, 9 years post-hysterectomy, and in "early menopause" according to my doctor. Currently using progesterone cream for insomnia (prescribed by my doc and filled at a local compounding pharmacy) which in the past I have blamed for the weight sticking to me, but I have found that counting calories has been the trick. Lost 40 lbs. since Christmas 2010, the last 20 since March 2012, and I'm currently working out 6 days per week--45 minutes Monday thru Thursday, take Friday off, then 2 hour workouts on Saturday and Sunday plus long walks with the dog. I eat nearly 2000 calories a day and I'm still losing. I try to limit carbs to less than 45% of calories, try to eat about 120 g of protein, then fill in the rest with mostly healthy fats (avocado, lean meat, eggs, coconut oil) because that's the magic formula that seems to work best for me. I also try to stay away from processed foods, but I eat frozen yogurt, ice cream or sorbet most days.

    That said, might want to get your thyroid checked if the scale isn't moving and you are eating less than you are burning. And the rest of your hormones, too.