Geek shows you DON'T like



  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I refuse to watch Revolution because it seems like a stupid idea. I like Buffy, but I was never a fanatic about it.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Revolution is GREAT... I agree that Charlie is annoying. I do like the google guy. :P
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    True blood, Vampire diaries, Twilight........ Season 6+ of supernatural

    I love Twilight, in a B movie kind of way. My husband and I watch them when we get free trials of the premium movie channels. They're unintentionally hilarious.

    Part of the problem is I read the books (which sucked) and vampires dont sparkle. I actually got into this agrument with my 9yr old and she looked at me and said "Its fiction Mommy its not real".... Its kinda hard to fight back on that one.

    oh man, I can't take the books. I tried the first one because I didn't want to rip on something I'd never read, so I forced myself to finish it, but it was awful. I wanted to hand her a thesaurus every time she used the word "beautiful." Which was about 3 times per page.

    You need to watch the Twilight movies with Rifftrax, much more better! Here is a link to the first:
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Dr. Who. I just can't get my head around...

    Only kidding, I truly love it. But others are far and few between. Twilight? No. Scratch that, Hell No! Alphas? Never watched it. Heroes? Loved Season 1 then WTF? Stargate? Not so much. Have Revolution DVR'd but keep hearing mixed reviews. Have Grimm DVR'd too (they filmed the pilot where I used to work!)

    It's hard when shows/movies are based on books, the translation to the screen is so very difficult due to the constraints of the medium (time, $$$) and for every great one (Game of Thrones) there are plenty of poor ones (Johnny Mnemonic?). TOo often the shows that seem "geeky" on the outside get watered down to appeal to a wider audience without whom they would die even quicker. I prefer my sci-fi/fantasy in book form and use the TV for somewhat mindless entertainment and the occasional hilarious documentary (Ancient Aliens...)
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    TNG had no continuity, feels so fragmented ..the original Star Trek wasn't any better.. B5 was great because you didn't have a new story every week, things flowed (well until the last season)

    Any vampire shows can DIAF..buffy, twilight, whatever crap they put out for tween thanks I'd rather watch documentaries about Vlad the Impaler and vampire bats :P

    Dr. Who is too weird for me and the cheesy effects just annoy me..actually anything with "cheese" annoys me - probably why I hate British Comedy too.

    The seeker would have been awesome if they didn't **** it up so it was I hated it.

    I canceled my cable a long time ago so now I only watch things I DL and I won't even bother with those 'new' shows because just seeing the previews makes me groan at the stupidity.

    I like Big Bang..though since they started playing more into the 'soap opera' themes and relationships I'm finding it's losing its hold on me too.

    TV just isn't my thing I guess...
  • wholelottarosa
    I know I'm probably the only one who doesn't like it, but Game of Thrones. I fell asleep after about three minutes.
  • floodofnoise
    floodofnoise Posts: 2 Member
    Dr. Who, I've tried watching several times and just don't see the appeal at all.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I know I'm probably the only one who doesn't like it, but Game of Thrones. I fell asleep after about three minutes.

    I wouldn't have liked it if I didn't read the book first. And frankly, I'm not sure if I'll watch season 2 (we don't have the premium channels, so we watched the first season on blu-ray). They just don't stick to the books well enough, and they seem to throw some random scenes in just so they can have naked people. Which would be fine if those were scenes out of the books, but they're not. They just make them up to increase the naked people quota.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    True blood, Vampire diaries, Twilight........ Season 6+ of supernatural

    I love Twilight, in a B movie kind of way. My husband and I watch them when we get free trials of the premium movie channels. They're unintentionally hilarious.

    Part of the problem is I read the books (which sucked) and vampires dont sparkle. I actually got into this agrument with my 9yr old and she looked at me and said "Its fiction Mommy its not real".... Its kinda hard to fight back on that one.

    oh man, I can't take the books. I tried the first one because I didn't want to rip on something I'd never read, so I forced myself to finish it, but it was awful. I wanted to hand her a thesaurus every time she used the word "beautiful." Which was about 3 times per page.

    You need to watch the Twilight movies with Rifftrax, much more better! Here is a link to the first:

    I'll have to look at that this afternoon! I saw a thing on YouTube where they did a "bad lipreading" of Twilight. It was hysterical.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    Alphas, I can't stand it, my husband watches it. I have mixed feelings about Revolution, Charlie needs to either STFU or die! I didn't like Flash Forward or Terra Nova. The Space channel here is showing Super Natural from the beginning, so those are DVR'd now. Love True Blood, Dexter and Walking Dead.
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    As others have said it: Anything Twilight.

    Enough said :laugh:
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    I like Big Bang..though since they started playing more into the 'soap opera' themes and relationships I'm finding it's losing its hold on me too.

    Agreed! Why does everything have to be about relationships? Like with The Hunger Games, I enjoyed the first book, but then the second is all dumb romance and it drags on and blaaaah.
    I know I'm probably the only one who doesn't like it, but Game of Thrones. I fell asleep after about three minutes.
    I wouldn't have liked it if I didn't read the book first.

    Also agreed! I tried watching Game of Thrones and it was SO BORING, then I read the books--which are amazing and I couldn't put down until I read them all--and now I enjoy the show because I know what's going on and have the books to fill in what's missing. And it's a lot of fun seeing the characters being portrayed through actors, which they nail pretty well, except for Daenerys. WHAT DID THEY DO TO DAENERYS? She's so whiny and annoying in the show. I didn't find her annoying at all in the books.
  • AggieSigner
    AggieSigner Posts: 23 Member
    I tried and tried but could not get into any of the Star Treks past TNG. I have been watching the original with Kirk and Spock via Netflix and I've been digging it so far. I got confused during the pilot episode when I saw no William Shatner. "Who, in the blue hell, is this roody poo?! WHERE THE HELL IS KIRK?!" I thought I had queued up the wrong series at first. :laugh:

    I actually enjoyed watching the Star Trek and Star Trek: TNG TV serieses. I never really did get into the Star Trek movies. The movies just don't have the same feel as the TV shows.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I tried and tried but could not get into any of the Star Treks past TNG. I have been watching the original with Kirk and Spock via Netflix and I've been digging it so far. I got confused during the pilot episode when I saw no William Shatner. "Who, in the blue hell, is this roody poo?! WHERE THE HELL IS KIRK?!" I thought I had queued up the wrong series at first. :laugh:

    I actually enjoyed watching the Star Trek and Star Trek: TNG TV serieses. I never really did get into the Star Trek movies. The movies just don't have the same feel as the TV shows.

    I like all the star treks except Enterprise I dont even count that when I talked about star trek. I also exclude the 4th Indian Jones and the prequels to star wars .
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I like Big Bang..though since they started playing more into the 'soap opera' themes and relationships I'm finding it's losing its hold on me too.

    Agreed! Why does everything have to be about relationships? Like with The Hunger Games, I enjoyed the first book, but then the second is all dumb romance and it drags on and blaaaah.
    I know I'm probably the only one who doesn't like it, but Game of Thrones. I fell asleep after about three minutes.
    I wouldn't have liked it if I didn't read the book first.

    Also agreed! I tried watching Game of Thrones and it was SO BORING, then I read the books--which are amazing and I couldn't put down until I read them all--and now I enjoy the show because I know what's going on and have the books to fill in what's missing. And it's a lot of fun seeing the characters being portrayed through actors, which they nail pretty well, except for Daenerys. WHAT DID THEY DO TO DAENERYS? She's so whiny and annoying in the show. I didn't find her annoying at all in the books.

    I thought they did a good job with her. The big surprise for me was Littlefinger. He was not what I expected. And I was a little annoyed at how all the children were at least 2 years older in the show than in the book. I think I understand why they made that decision, but it was jarring.
  • vendygirl
    vendygirl Posts: 718 Member
    I found Big Bang Theory funny for the first season and a half but then it went all "relationship" bs. Stopped watching. It wasn't stellar by any means but it kept me amused.

    My husband and I tried to watch Buffy but just couldn't make it past Season One. Our friend tells us it gets better with Season Two but we just couldn't make it through.

    I hate Twilight. I hate whinny girls who only can think about what Boy she wants to be with and can't effing do anything on her own. Just not in the whole vampire thing so anything vampire I avoid.

    I couldn't really get into Game of Thrones either. Just lost interest after chapter million in book one.
  • wholelottarosa
    I know I'm probably the only one who doesn't like it, but Game of Thrones. I fell asleep after about three minutes.
    I wouldn't have liked it if I didn't read the book first.
    Also agreed! I tried watching Game of Thrones and it was SO BORING, then I read the books--which are amazing and I couldn't put down until I read them all--and now I enjoy the show because I know what's going on and have the books to fill in what's missing. And it's a lot of fun seeing the characters being portrayed through actors, which they nail pretty well, except for Daenerys. WHAT DID THEY DO TO DAENERYS? She's so whiny and annoying in the show. I didn't find her annoying at all in the books.

    I've never read the books. Then again, I'm not that much into fantasy, more into sci-fi.
    You can make up for a lot of nonsense in my books if you throw a couple of robots, spaceships or bullet time martial art scenes my way, but all this business with magic, dragons, swords, valour and honour and never did much for me.

    That being said, there is of course still no excuse for Attack of the Clones.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i like everything. even the bad shows...Terra Nova, Revolution etc...

    but for some reason i just cant get into Dr. Who.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    My friends have forced me to do Star trek marathons with them, but I just can't get into it.

    Also my love for Doctor Who is starting to fade a bit with the newer series, which is a very big shame.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    As others have said it: Anything Twilight.

    Enough said :laugh:

    Twilight isn't for geeks.
    It's for screaming teenage girls who wear too much make up.