So bummed :(

MericoX Posts: 199 Member
Today was suppose to be W5D2 but last night I noticed my calf looked a bit swollen but thought nothing of it, but today I've had to elevate it. I never thought I'd be sad missing a run day, I'm tempted to do it anyway but I know that'll just backfire on me down the road.

Anyone have good recommendations to help quickly reduce swelling?


  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevation. Are you in pain?
  • Needtobefitandslimagain
    Poor you, I hope it heels soon.
  • MericoX
    MericoX Posts: 199 Member
    Well... I iced it. And ran on it anyways (was not swollen before or after I ran until an hour or so afterwards). I iced it for 20 minutes every hour until this afternoon and it hasn't been a problem since.