One More Week

So ladies there is more more week before we meet again. Do you have any expectations for yourself when you get on the scale? Are there things that you still haven't begin to work on? What have you been doing these past few weeks to guarantee any type of change?(Whether it is weight loss, exercise, food choice, etc)


  • I can tell you that I did not accomplish all of my goals, I wanted to be 10 pounds lighter, but I have only lost 3 pounds this month, so far. But I have become more aware of what I am putting in my body and where I am falling short. Therefore, I am not so disappointed. I do believe that I will be out of the two's which is my one of my goals.

    I will be on vacation starting this Sunday, we will be leaving after I get out of church... please keep me lifted up in prayer that I remain true to myself and my commitment to me, ad I continue to:

    Love Myself to Life!

    Brenda G