Ideal Protein Progress

omorgano Posts: 53 Member
If you're interested in my progress on ideal protein, I keep a daily blog about it. I keep track of how I'm feeling, if/when I cheat, and lessons learned, along with other tips and things. You can add me as a friend and check it out. Seeing it written down helps me keep accountability. I may start including dinner ideas and recipes for that meal where you eat something other than an ideal protein packet. I am coming up with new ideas to mix things up everyday :-D


  • mrs_zilla
    mrs_zilla Posts: 34 Member
    I am, how do I check your blog?
  • omorgano
    omorgano Posts: 53 Member
    If you go to my profile and look at my recent activity, it'll show that I posted in my blog. Since I do the blog daily, I'll pretty much always show one of my posts in the recent activity.
  • mrs_zilla
    mrs_zilla Posts: 34 Member
    I've found it! thanks! Great stuff!
  • omorgano
    omorgano Posts: 53 Member