10 weeks into lifting and.......

Good evening all :)

I am just looking for a little guidance, advice, or support at this point in my journey....just to make sure that I really am still on the right track.

I started lifting heavy about 10 weeks ago (I am using the book "The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises"). I lift 3 x per week (as per the programs in the book) and doing maybe 1 day (sometimes 2) of some light cardio/treadmill, pilates, or medicine ball workout.

My TDEE is just under 2400 and BMR is 1547 (set at moderately active). I try very hard every day to hit 2000 calories although sometimes I'm closer to 1700 (I find it very hard when eating properly to hit those calories!) I work everyday to ensure I'm getting plenty of protein. Breakfast is usually greek yogurt w/protein powder, lunch is 1 can of tuna and cottage cheese, and so on and so forth. I do loosen the reins on my diet a little during the weekend, but during the week is very minimal processed foods, minimal starch, no refined sugar. I don't use this site to track my calories....I am old school and like to use my little notebook :)

I have been consistently losing inches as I have been continuing to measure pretty much every 2 weeks. My BF% is going down which is awesome but after 10 weeks I have only lost 2 lbs. Now I know i know, why get bent out of shape over the number on the scale right? I'm really not....I'm measuring my success by inches and BF%....however.....I see many success stories that still manage a weight loss while lifting heavy.....even though it can usually take a little while before the scale starts to move again after they have started. When I use fit2fat radio to re-run my numbers when I take my measurements it always gives me a goal weight that I want to strive for to achieve my goal BF%.....i'm starting to worry that I've got it all wrong and messing myself up somewhere.

Anyway, enough of my rant :) As mentioned, any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance!


  • ladyace2078
    ladyace2078 Posts: 460 Member
    I started lifting heavy at the end of April. In 5 months I've lost 5 lbs (although at any given time I've even been 5 lbs heavier than April too), but I've dropped from ~29% BF to 25% BF and from size 12 to size 8. In fact I reached a size 8 at almost 10 lbs heavier than I thought I would when I first started this journey last November and now my size 8s are getting loose. When you are lifting, you really need to ignore the scale. Keep tracking other metrics, and focus on achieving strength goals.

    Also I never saw a change on the scale until I took a week of rest (which I do every 6 weeks or so). Have you taken any rest weeks?
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thank you for your reply!

    No, I haven't really taken any rest weeks....the most consecutive rest I have had is about 3 or 4 days and that's since probably February or March and that was when I was doing lots of cardio 5-6 days/week. Maybe rest is in order? I don't know....the idea of taking a week off kind of scares me lol

    I know I really shouldn't let the scale get to my head! I think I'm just worried that maybe I'm not eating enough? And then of course that tiny old school voice in my head that's telling me that I'm eating too much lol But I'm really working hard to ignore that one!