A new week



  • cayman07
    cayman07 Posts: 77 Member
    Well done, personally I don't weigh in daily, also noticed if I weigh in after a long walk/ride there is some seemingly water retention when I drink a lot, so now mid week weigh ins two clear days after a ride.

    I am doing 1400 calories agree can be tough,I do eat back exercise calories to a degree.

    Realistic targets are the key, keeps the interest hit two of my four goals so far, my next is to be healthy as per my BMI
  • GrahamSt
    GrahamSt Posts: 25 Member
    my next is to be healthy as per my BMI

    The BMI calculator on this site is actually quite useful because unlike others I've tried it tells you what the ranges are in terms of weights for someone of your height. Look under Apps->BMI or follow this link:


    1.2kg to go till I finally hit "Healthy" - then I'll have a big cake to celebrate :wink:
  • cayman07
    cayman07 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks, I am 1.6kg away from healthy

    Is that your next goal too?