Oct.1st Menopausal Mad Hatters Chatter



  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ snoozie -

    Brian's ECoH will be 13 October - at 2:00

    So far so good - the PITAs are still here and so am I - laughing is better than crying....:laugh: :glasses:

    Thanks for asking - exercise routine / more focus on me starts 14 Oct - afer my stiff drink / nap

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Good Morning to My Hatter friends... I hope all is well with you. ...Since I don't have time to type replys to everyone's posts...(I'm one of those slow, hunt it and peck it typers...) I have another list to put in, I hope you don't mind. I copied it from my healthy aging newsletter and from reading it, it looks like we are all...... On the right track , Baby!!

    Have a great day, You deserve it!!

    Successful Strategies
    Here are four diet truths to help you achieve your goals:
    • Cutting out sweet drinks is non-negotiable. Sweet tea, soda, and flavored and sweetened milks, waters, and coffees all have to go. Drink plain water, low-fat milk. A study of 810 adults between 25 and 79 years old showed that after 18 months, those who cut out sweet drinks had greater weight loss than those who cut down on food calories. One possible reason: While your body lets you know when it is full of food, there is no way for your body to tell you when you’ve maxed out on liquid calories.
    • Physical activity helps counting calories. Being physically active burns calories while it improves your overall health. Aim for 30 minutes a day most days of the week. A brisk 30- to 45-minute walk burns 100 to 200 calories. If you can burn 200 calories through exercise, you only have to cut out 300 calories in food or drink to reach your daily calorie-cutting goal.
    • Strategically eating less drops weight. A study of 811 overweight people who participated in four popular diets found that whether diets were low-fat, high-protein, or a combination didn’t matter — weight-loss success depends on cutting out calories. In fact, you can continue to eat filling portions if you simply replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie foods that contain a lot of water, such as fruits and vegetables. A study of 97 obese women who ate either a low-fat diet or a low-fat diet with additional fruits and vegetables found that those who emphasized fruits and veggies lost up to five pounds more.
    • Journaling leads to success. Counting calories is easier if you write down (or type in) what you eat, including serving sizes and details such as condiments you may have added. “Research has shown that exercise and journaling really make a difference in long-term weight management,” says Gail Curtis, assistant professor at Wake Forest University Health Sciences in Winston-Salem, N.C. A detailed journal will help you identify your successes and pinpoint where you can cut additional calories or replace high-calorie foods with low-calorie ones.
    With dedicated work you can apply these truths to lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks or less. So get moving!
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Snooze, Your on the right path! You know you and I have talked about this before. I too struggled since I started in July but this last week I did make some more changes that I feel are helping. I changed my weight in date to Monday instead of Friday. Now I'm accountable for the weekend. I am eating less than 100 carbs. a day. More protein. I am doing more challenges on this website than ever with my exercise. I would of seen a loss but I had gain some by doing more exercising. (or I'm telling myself that) So next week hopefully will see more changes. You know we are healthier than we were in July. We have to keep our spirits up and do this together. I know I have told you this before but you may need to up your water in take maybe start off with one more glass a week more. Baby steps. We can do this.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Thanks A! But I'm absolutely in a good place mentally right now; and pumped about sticking with a specific calorie and exercise goal for a few months... When Janet asked about our goals in her post, it seemed like perfect timing LOL..

    I told Time2 this morning I have bought a food scale (just a little cheap one )to make sure I'm not overestimating as well, :bigsmile: and my weigh date is wed because my wed is everyone elses monday LOL.. its usually at the "end" of my days off (like OP's weekends) or as close as i can get to it with the weird shifts i work.. and yes the water is a biggie; I do actually get a lot more in now, but I don't log it in MFP; I find It still takes me such a long time to log my food as my puter is pretty old and slow ... and seems to be missing the "c" letter a lot so excuse any typos in my posts ladies!

    But in case it wasnt clear from my post, Hatters - I'm totally psyched and motivated to work hard at my goals for the next 12 weeks; I think the hardest thing sometimes is sifting through all the info we have to learn on this path and trying tofigure it all out LOL.. it's taken me a bit of time but I'm so grateful to have all the Mad Hatters in my corner; knowing so many wonderful ladies have my back is often the one thing that reminds me not to give up when I'm frustrated.. so thank you all for getting me thru the first few months... and all the rest to come!! :bigsmile:
  • Terri97471
    Terri97471 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you Patrice! Already love it! xo:smile:
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Hiya Terri!! Glad to have you aboard; you'll have a blast and we'll be here to offer whatever support and encouragement we can for your own journey to health and fitness! and just so you know.. it's a proven fact 15 minutes of laughing burns 5 calories !

    Every one of you would have lost an entire pound if you had been in the change room today on my less than fruitfull dress hunt...
    after about 30 stores and 40 try ons..... (and i swear if i had to say "ummmmm no, i'd prefer something AGE APPROPRIATE rather than those oh so stunning leggins and tube top young lady"... I was gonna scream! But I'm one of those people who take 10 in at a time; hate coming back out and getting more, and somehow A WAY WRONG size ended up in my pile... I didn't have my reading glasses with me.. anyway, I'm in a room I can barely turn around in, there are body parts touching the wall that should NEVER touch a wall.. and i manage to get one of the dresses off the hangar, and as its a sleevless one I kinda bunch it up and pull it down over my head put my arms in and omg.... my hair gets caught in the zipper in the back, and the thing is about 20 sizes too small and the whole thing is now jammed under my armpits and my arms are stuck over my head and my hair caught in the hook thing at the top of the zipper.. and i can't for the life of me get it uncaught and i cant get the dress OFF because its jammed up and caught tight inbetween my armpits and above my boobs.. (yeah too much info..but you have to be able to picture it).. I got a bit panicky cause i could barely move around in the closet and it was jammed so tight... it was NOT pretty Hatters!! I finally got the hair ripped out, and managed to finally unlodge the dress enuf to get it back over my head... by which time the pinched nerve in my neck was screaming... I flew outta that change room so fast I'm sure the girl thought I was trying to steal something.. but needless to say... day 1 of dress hunting is done.... AND I'm in my big floppy comfy jammies with the killer bunnies on em as I type... bliss!!
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    snooze , I just lost 5cal from laugh at your post maybe it was 10 because I was laughing so hard. I can so see you in that dressing room! OMG How funny!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    @ snoozie - did you get a pic?:blushing: :wink:

    LoL....:laugh: :glasses:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Snoozie, I am about to bust my guts with laughter.......I have totally been there, nite nite time
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Snoozie, that was a great mental pic! I have been there too. Stuck with arms overhead and head stuck within the fabric, i can't get the darn garment off. LOL! But it was at home and my husband wasn't around to help. So after huffing & puffing for awhile I heard a little tear in a seam and then wiggled my way out. I think that used some calories hopping around trying to gett that darn thing off!

    Having a challenge keeping myself in check foodwise. I log, but I don't measure and I think it adds up...I am walking 3+ miles daily (most days) and I convince myself that that allows me to eat more calories (which it does) but it doesn't help me stay disciplined. I've gained a couple of pounds back and I'm not very happy with myself.

    I did my first 5k last Saturday in Portland. I ran most of the way! It was a fun run, not timed. Called the Color Run and it was a blast! I didn't expect to be able to run as much as I did. IPOM for that! Hoping to keep it up and run the whole way on the next one! Gotta sign up for another one to keep myself motivated. I think that by doing that run I gave myself permission to slack a little bit. Gotta focus again...

    I need to plan my meals for the day. I come home starving and anything within my reach is fair game! Gotta plan my lunch but it is difficult 'cause I am a real estate agent and never know where I am at lunchtime. Too hot to keep lunch in my car. Just venting... I'll get back on it again.

    Love reading all your posts. I do a lot of lurking, but I'm around. Love being a part of this group!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    You are too funny Snoozie!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I'll be leaving for the hospital soon. Surgery is today. I'll be back when I can. Carry on, Everyone! Keep those lanterns lit!



    kobie! It took me so long to type up my post, I missed yours!! Flew to your status and put a note but know we'll be thinking about you today and please update us when you can so we know you're home!! Big hugs!:flowerforyou:


    Wishing you a speedy recovery!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Hatters!

    Patrice and Time2: good to know I'm not alone in that change room nightmare! And I wasn't going to admit it, but I'm pretty sure SOMETHING tore in the process of me trying to break free!!

    Huge congrats on the color run PAtrice.. that was an amazing achievement!! Well done!! Your recent struggles are completely understood by all of us; we've all been there, done that and will be there again, but you're already a step ahead by recognizing where you need to make the small changes; as TA says prep is the most important thing, and I struggle with that most of all too! I'm in the same boat as are many of the Hatters, with not being able to have a planned "lunch" because of our schedules and jobs, so we can commiserate! I'm going to try packing more "quick and easy" type snackage (serving sizes of nuts and sandwiches or wraps cut in 4 (like when we were kids LOL) so i can stuff little bits of something in my mouth thru the day to avoid that dinner time starving panic I hit..

    but all our lanterns are lit my friend; so we'll help you find your way back to the path.... !

    Time2's amazing success with her stairs had me thinking this morning... Gail, you've perservered and kept going, even on days when you SO didn't feel like it, and I'm so impressed with your dedication my friend... and I thought of YOU when I found this, because it epitomizes what you do...and that every day, you're doing exactly what leads to success! Well done YOU! IPOU!

    "Picture your goals and desires as an object at the top of a set of stairs. When you try to jump too many stairs at one time you can trip up and fall backwards. When you take one step forward and then one step back it can become impossible to climb the whole set of stairs. If you do this enough times you may just give up on walking up those steps altogether thinking that you will always trip up and fall back down a step.

    But if you climb the stairs one step at a time you will have time to get a really good foothold on that step and be able to step up to the next one.

    Each step represents something that you need to do to get closer to your goal and if you take these steps one day at a time then you will have an extremely high success of getting to where you want to go.

    So if you find that you just keep falling back down try taking smaller steps and make sure you master each step before moving on. And remember, do it one day at a time.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    ps: CBM.. No pics lol!! But I tried to claim at least 100 calories burned in "panic mode" but alas.. no such exercise existed:bigsmile:
  • PatriceMG
    PatriceMG Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for the stairs pic Snoozie. Needed that visual right now!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Huge Thank you, Snooze....
    It made me tear up...a different tear than last nights read...Last night I was laughing so hard that, Jamie, my 21 yr old, impatiently waiting for his turn at the computer, took the laptop and wrote " nite, nite time "and hit reply, before I could finish writing what I wanted to write... Now I don't remember what it was, but I will think on it and send you a note later.

    .....but to get back to today, I see all of us on different types of stairs.... Those who walk ,run, Zumba, swim, elliptical, and any other form I left out of exercise....we all keep getting up and doing it, one day at a time and it will get us there...

    Bye for now,
    love to you all,

    Let yourself have a great day No Matter What!!

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks Snoozie for the stairs metaphor-love it!
  • Snoozie, thank you for the lantern.

    Last week was very busy with extra work hours, so no formal exercise for the last 9 days. Have been less careful with my diet. Got on the scale yesterday and lost 2.5 pounds-go figure. When I was exercising like crazy and only eating 1200 cal day (1500 right now), there was very slow progress. It is confusing.

    Keep up your good effort. It will pay off!
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Snoozie, so glad you managed to untangle yourself. I always preferred getting in those stuck positions in my home, so I would buy things and do the tangled dance at home. For me add in a pair of glasses that I forgot to take off and was afraid would break.
    Carol, huge congrats on the run!
    Love the step analogy, with our lanterns lit, we will all get to the top a step at a time!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Fly by post ...

    It's gonna be OUR month Hatters.... we're gonna rock it!!!