Like Minded Lushes -Octoberr 2012



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Kat, I vote for the stomach flu. I just had it and those nachos coming up wasn't pretty.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beautiful Kat! I like your husband's Chucks too. :smile:

    Sun - 4 beers, 2 wines
    Mon - 0
    Tues - cocktail, 2 glasses white, 1 glass red
    Wed - 2 pints of beer, 1/2 glass white

    So I've been drinking almost everyday, but not a lot. So I guess that's good. I am off work today and tomorrow so I kind of want a dirty martini. We'll see what my husband is up for tonight. I bet I can twist his arm for a drink.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    For all the lushes!

  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I forgot to tell you my funny story. When I worked last week, a man (65'ish) was driiving and called his daughter and said he felt funny and disoriented. They ran all the neuro tests on him and it turns out he ate one of his roomie's brownie. Yep, then he tested postivie for weed.

    Robin, I like...

    Monday, 0
    Tuesday, 0
    Wednesday, no clue...many, many, many vodkas, 1 marg and 2 beers
    Thursday, 0

    I am hoping to ramp up the exercise this week and be good!!
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    For all the lushes!


    Too funny!! Around here, there is a bar called The Library, which I find quite amusing....:bigsmile:

    Tigers won the ALCS so a bit lushy over here...just a couple of Captain's....on to the World Series!!:drinker:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Wednesday-16ish oz of wine
    Thursday-10oz fo wine
    Friday-some kind of cocktail....manhattans maybe???

    So I made it 2days this week without drinking, not bad considering how much I've been drinking the last steps :happy:
    Tomorrow we have a huge family party so brewskies and wine will be had!
    Also, I am going to the gym tomorrow morning...woohoo!!! I can't do anything crazy but I was on the bike last night at PT and it felt good and I got the ok for the elliptical too, just can't over do it, but its time to get my muscles working again, I am very excited!!!

    Happy friday everyone

    Oh and Kim...pot brownies, that's friggin hilarious!!!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Well I've been consistent. I had half a bottle of pinot and a dirty martini last night. Friends in from out of town for the weekend so we'll be drinking. Not sure how much. Happy Friday lushes!

    Yay for going to the gym Katie!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Yay Kate!!!

    TGIF lushes :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    so day three of home sick. However, yesterday I did go stand in the rain in a freezing river to take a fly fishing class with Doug. Came home and had a bunch of spiked hot apple cider to warm up. It is really rainy and cold today. Doug is now home sick as well so i think it is going to be a pretty relaxed weekend.

    Happy Friday Lushes!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Thanks extraordinary and better :blushing:

    Mama Lush hope you feel better soon and that gym thing is too funny :tongue:

    Kblue so glad you're getting back at it!

    Nisi that is quite the story haha

    Went out with the best friend last night and for the first time in all our bff lunch dates I actually controlled myself. I had 2 34 oz beers and 2 mucho margaritas but slowly sipped them so I just felt good. Came home and thought about beer or wine but ended up just bumming around on the couch and then heading to bed once the husband got home. No hangover and I remember all of our super fun full of laughs best friend afternoon/night :smile: Husband made dinner reservations for tonight. It's rainy and gloomy here so the pets and I stayed in bed for a while and are now bumming around on the couch watching shows. I'm also having a glass of wine in my personalized Mrs. 10.7.12 wine glass because a gloomy day and no food in the house calls for that :tongue:

    Happy Friday all, hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :drinker:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Had a wee staycation with the hubs and kids--the kids swam at the hotel pool on Wednesday night and we had a few drinks, last night was a pumpkin Tommyknocker with a double shot of vanilla vodka, but that was it.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I love staycations.

    0 last night for me. Maybe some red wine tonight? Its chilly here today
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    hubs and I split two bottles of red last night. It was a good night.

    The lushes are quiet lately. I hope you are all well.
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm baaaackkk!!! Hello everyone.....I've missed you all. Don't know what happened...just didn't feel like logging food or anything. Probably due to starting a JOB back in July. So, between then and now I managed to gain a few pounds back from NOT counting any calories. So, I joined the Y at the beginning of Oct., their Fall in to Fitness program. Which is going well exercise wise. Back to counting calories. They said to use I do not like that site, too cumbersome.

    Also, couldn't find a drinking group. My first comment on that site in an "Introduce yourself" board was a general rambling about getting back to business and THEN my comment the I gotta give up beer. LMBO The response comment from another person was "Put the beer money you used to spend in a empty, washed out Tide or Downy container. ".......not so bad, but then from another member "Hi. Welcome to the site and the team. Yeah, beer is not diet or healthy lifestyle friendly. It is just not good for you. Good luck on your journey. " :noway:

    Well, I thought to myself while having some tequila :glasses: , these people will not appreciate the number of drinks I have so I am outta here. That was a day ago. While I wasn't looking to give up MFP, I just had to check out that site. MY vote = Yuk!

    Hope everybody is well, I'll catch up with ya's. Kat, you look absolutely gorgeous!! Everything looked beautiful! Congrats and thank you for sharing!

    Friday= 1/2 liter of tequila
    Sat = the other half of tequila
    Sun=so far 2 beers

    My yes, I must rein back some.

    Cheers all! :drinker:

  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Great to see ya Pam! You know the lushes will always be here for ya....with zero judging. :drinker:
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Thank you SoCal! I've always felt welcome here. This is a great group, to say the least. Love the zero judging, that sure has me spoiled. While I didn't get harsh words from the other site, it sure was a wake up! Yikes!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Ugh, sorry about the judgy-judgers!

    I got HAMMERED last night...on accident. I started drinking while I was cooking, ten started free-pouring myself red bull and vodkas. Whoops!
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm baaaackkk!!! Hello everyone.....I've missed you all. Don't know what happened...just didn't feel like logging food or anything. Probably due to starting a JOB back in July. So, between then and now I managed to gain a few pounds back from NOT counting any calories. So, I joined the Y at the beginning of Oct., their Fall in to Fitness program. Which is going well exercise wise. Back to counting calories. They said to use I do not like that site, too cumbersome.

    Also, couldn't find a drinking group. My first comment on that site in an "Introduce yourself" board was a general rambling about getting back to business and THEN my comment the I gotta give up beer. LMBO The response comment from another person was "Put the beer money you used to spend in a empty, washed out Tide or Downy container. ".......not so bad, but then from another member "Hi. Welcome to the site and the team. Yeah, beer is not diet or healthy lifestyle friendly. It is just not good for you. Good luck on your journey. " :noway:

    Well, I thought to myself while having some tequila :glasses: , these people will not appreciate the number of drinks I have so I am outta here. That was a day ago. While I wasn't looking to give up MFP, I just had to check out that site. MY vote = Yuk!

    Hope everybody is well, I'll catch up with ya's. Kat, you look absolutely gorgeous!! Everything looked beautiful! Congrats and thank you for sharing!

    Friday= 1/2 liter of tequila
    Sat = the other half of tequila
    Sun=so far 2 beers

    My yes, I must rein back some.

    Cheers all! :drinker:


    Thank you so much sweets and welcome back!!!!! I agree with your post after this, this is one amazing group that does not judge. I love being able to come here after having too much or just in general and "talking" with my lovely fellow lushes :heart:

    Staycations are awesome, extra :smile:

    Mama Lush, the husband and I have had many nights of multiple bottles of wine, definitely good nights :glasses:

    SoCal I must say I absolutely love your picture. My little p-u-s-s-y-cat (not to emphasize the first part of that word) lays like that sometimes and all my pups do, it's too adorable.

    Extra, I had the potential for getting sloshed last night but came home and since drinking just makes me tired now I just sat on the couch with a beer beside me for a good while. Ended up having a glass or two of red and 1 pumpkin beer with a shot of vanilla vodka in it but I didn't finish it.

    Today, we went out to lunch, I had 2 mini bottles of champagne and then we came home. Giants (husbands team) and Packers (my team) were both playing at 1 so he watched upstairs and I watched downstairs on the big screen :bigsmile: We each had the same beer and I'm still on that one ... a couple hours or so later and he has had one more. Think I may have a glass of red now, it's an absolutely gorgeous Fall day here, sun is out, cool breeze so the windows are open and of course football :glasses: I do foresee a nap though, or at least a couple minutes of shut eye as I'm pooped haha. I honestly struggle sometimes with whether or not I want to stop drinking altogether because it just makes me so tired now. I have a couple drinks and I'm just ready for bed haha. No worries though because I just love lighting my candles, opening the windows for a cool breeze, sitting on or under my heated blanket and watching tv or movies while having some lushness :tongue:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Kat, gorgeous pictures, looks like everyone was enjoying themselves. I love the way you did the shades between your dress, MOH and bridesmaids x
  • zippo32
    zippo32 Posts: 1,419 Member
    Fri - 5 beers. Team loss.
    Sat - 0 I didn't want to feel terrible for my run this morning.
    Sun - 5 beers so far.......