

  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Amanda. I kinda diagnosed myself when I was 17 by looking up all my weird symptoms through my best friend google. A bit after, doctor told me I did have it and that I'd be going on BC. I have been on it ever since and I'm very glad I found this group of people that actually speak about it. So hard finding a good community, hope to make a lot of friends on here. =)
  • bohrsy88
    bohrsy88 Posts: 56 Member
    it's nice to see you all joining and welcome! I felt so alone when I got diagnosed and it's so good to speak to other women who struggle with the same issues.. when I have a bad day food wise it shows on the scales in a big way so it's not easy but I know we can succeed together! x
  • lorrainzander
    lorrainzander Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement and I appreciate the work you are trying to do. Read your article in the other post and it was nice to read this information from someone who actually went through it themselves.
  • Hopeismymiddlename
    Hi, my name is Bethany. I've known that I had PCOS since my sister was diagnosed with it in 2002 and then had it confirmed by a doctor later. Interestingly, I've never had the pain associated with cysts/rupturing. I downloaded the myfitnesspal app on my phone because I'm getting married in December and I want to look good on the honeymoon! So glad this group was created, it's nice to talk to people who understand the PCOS struggle. Feel free to add me as a friend :)

    Happy Weight Loss Everyone!
  • MelissaSue12
    MelissaSue12 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi everyone!!! I am 27 and was diagnosed quite a few years ago. My first thought was oh no, I won't be able to have kids. Especially since I am heavier! This is why I started my weight loss journey because I some day would like to have children of my own. I know that having PCOS isn't the end of the world, but it is a pain in my butt!!! I am glad to see that there was a group for us ladies so that we can get the support and motivation that we need!!! Feel Free to add me as a Friend! :happy:
  • sbenskin001
    sbenskin001 Posts: 11 Member
    HI I am 26 and I was diagnoised at 25. I have had the symptoms long before that since I was a teen and had even spoken to my family doctor who told me not to worry just losse weight and never told me what was actually wrong. He maintained that it was all from my weight alone until I pushed seeing someone when me and my husband began discussing children. I have tried many weight loss diets with limited success. Me and my husband decided a few weeks ago to stop me trying different diets and instead we were going to try to maintain a healthy household. Part of this means me exercising which I am trying to do daily and makes me feel so much better when I do and eating a balanced diet. Shooting for that diet to be low GI but sometimes I fall off a little there. I know my weight loss will be slow but since doing this I do feel much better. Feel free to add me as a friend I can always use more supporters and it makes sme feel great to give support and see others struggling with the same problems succeed. :) Glad to find this Group!
  • TallyFlores
    TallyFlores Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (back in July 2012) and it sucks, but I feel lucky to have found this group because just reading the advice and stories from all of you helps. It helps me not feel so down and depressed about it when I can see that others are going through the same thing, so I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and do my best to live with it like so many other women. Thanks!
  • crazy4craft
    Hi I'm 20 I got diagonosed 2 days ago. not quite sure what to think atm but thought joining this group would help.
  • reevesml
    reevesml Posts: 6 Member
    Ok after reading some of the post, I am sitting here crying. I never realized there were so many of us out there. I have thought I was alone since I was 12. I am now 26. I was diagnosed three days prior to my 12th birthday, and my doctors had no clue how to handle it. Birth control had no affect, and I have become so use to dealing that I no longer discuss issues with anyone. I still go through months with no period. ( It has been 7 since the last one.) My family is super supportive, but they don't understand. My sister has a lot of the symptoms but doesn't have PCOS. I am extremely obese and I finally feel like I may learn even more about this disease. I am willing to support anyone on here that needs it. I didn't realize it had been fourteen years......
  • Bracken8974
    Bracken8974 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone, so pleased to find so many like minded people. I'm from Cornwall, UK i have two daughters 13yrs & 3mnths (just a small gap, lol) i'm currently breast feeding my second child so am eating extra calories to sustain my milk production, i have PCOS which i can't manage with meds at the moment (or even diet properly to help my symptoms) whilst feeding my baby girl though desperately need to loose weight so that i start to feel (& look) better. I'm on ravelry & have started designing my own patterns, i have loads running around my head or part designed (some even designed) just need to find time to type them up, i do have some free patterns listed on ravelry & am currently designing PCOS awareness patterns for our group Cyster Crafters With PCOS. (on ravelry & facebook) I've kind of gone mad on squares at the moment though sadly my brain works faster than my fingers so have lots of designs that need knitting up. I can only crochet basic granny squares & do intend taking the time to learn more one day as i love the way it grows so fast. I have so, so many works in progress on the go, i'm trying to get them all finished up so i'm only allowing myself to work on squares or PCOS patterns if i'm not working on one of my WIP. (i won't hold my breath though as i'm such a fickle knitter, lol)
