Day by Day of the Challenge

LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
Day one: done, no problems.


  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    I was really hungry all day yesterday and I am feeling the same way today. I am already a picky eater, so I think this is going to be a struggle.
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    If you are hungry, add more fats and proteins. That will eventually satiate you.
  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    I had the day off work yesterday, and feel like that helped me along a lot. I was excited by how the Whole 30 forced me to cook and eat my vegetables. I wasn't hungry, and the food was good. I ended up at a friends house later, and easily down her offers of baking and beer.
    I'm tracking my calories to ensure I get a minimum of 1500 cals/day (I know myself and when switch to a limited diet, I never eat enough). Despite generous amounts of oil, and lots of coconut milk and almonds, it was a struggle to get enough food into the day.
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    I did good yesterday and I wasn't left feeling hungry at all. Today I'm making a pork butt in the crock pot...can't wait for dinner!
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    At dinner I had a 10 ounce steak and veggies and I felt like I was starving. I am eating the same number of calories as before and I am so much more hungry than normal. I feel like I have eaten nothing all day. And what I brought for lunch does not even sound appatizing any more. I dont know how I am going to get through this
  • singoldsby
    singoldsby Posts: 11 Member
    Day One - Great day, until I managed to slice my finger making dinner and ended up in the emergency room for four hours last night. On the plus side, I made it through the evening without snacking. ;)
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Oh no, Singoldsby :( I hope you're ok!! ER visits suck!!

    I had a pretty easy day yesterday, and today I have had a headache. I did not eat a bunch of grains and off-plan stuff before I started, but I did eat up the last of my dairy. Wonder if that is why I have a headache.

    Today I had to work so I packed a lunch. Tuna salad with my homemade mayo, it was good even though tuna salad isn't my favorite. I also had almonds. I ate lunch late because of my schedule. I usually chew a Carman's bar when I can't eat on time because I can do so while I am with people, but I have nothing like that now. I need to find the Lara bars we are allowed to have.

    I am also really feeling my coffee from this morning!
  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    Yesterday went ok, honestly, it was a bit rough but I made it through. Today I'm doing a bit better but like others have said, I'm worried I'm not eating enough calories. I also have been so stressed at work (eventhough I work from home I know hard to believe but true) that I'm just relying on salad right now and I'm going to get bored quick. Luckily, I like salad but not sure I'll want 30 days of it.

    I don't feel starving although a steak does sound good right now... but I am certainly a bit cranky. I think I may be having some carb withdrawal since I was throwing caution to the wind right through Sunday until our official Monday start. I wsn't doing white flour but I was eating rice, etc.

    So hang in there and do your best - I'm having a lackluster moment myself but as they say "this too shall pass." If you are really getting hungry be sure to eat - maybe some fats like avocado, nuts or coconut milk will help satiate you. I know, sometimes the veggies just don't feel that filling, even with all the roughage.

    Take care everyone!
  • LizaArg
    LizaArg Posts: 88 Member
    Day One - Great day, until I managed to slice my finger making dinner and ended up in the emergency room for four hours last night. On the plus side, I made it through the evening without snacking. ;)
    OMG, I'm glad you are ok, so sorry to hear that!
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    Ouch, sorry about ER. :(
    At dinner I had a 10 ounce steak and veggies and I felt like I was starving. I am eating the same number of calories as before and I am so much more hungry than normal. I feel like I have eaten nothing all day. And what I brought for lunch does not even sound appatizing any more. I dont know how I am going to get through this

    Try increasing your fat, sounds like your proteins are high. You might be experiencing the rabbit starvation. Did you cook your veggies in fat or used a lot of home made mayo or oil on the salads?
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Hmm, I might need more fat as well. I am having a hard time as I feel starving and think I am getting too much protein. Maybe I'll make some butternut squash soup with coconut milk tonight.
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    I did some shopping today and went in world market...bad bad idea!! I forgot that they have tons of amazing pasta and rice, now I'm craving grrr. Not giving in though!
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    I don't have anything to cook my veggies in. I am such a picky eater I don't like a lot of the stuff we can have, such as avocado or coconut milk. I'm not sure how to keep full
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    First 2 days have gone fine - think I am eating too many nuts though.
  • I'm using the blog on myfitnesspal to keep track of my days and what recipes or concoctions I try out. So far, Day 3 is going okay. I feel a little sleep deprived.
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't have anything to cook my veggies in. I am such a picky eater I don't like a lot of the stuff we can have, such as avocado or coconut milk. I'm not sure how to keep full

    Do you like curry? If so just take a tbsp of curry paste, 1 can of coconut milk, and add veggies and/or meat of your choice. Easy, yummy, and filling!
  • LeidaPrimal
    LeidaPrimal Posts: 198 Member
    Try bacon grease or drippings from a roast chicken or meat... yum! I always collect drippings! If you do not have drippings, you can get a nice piece of really fatty pork or pork belly and slow melt it into a great cooking fat. So flavorful! And cheap! I dunno if you ever tried ghee, I don't like it, but you might.
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    I hate pork and really fatty meats. I only eat bacon and stuff if it is almost burnt. I cannot stand the taste of anything coconut also. I cant have onions, peppers, tomatoes. I dont know if I will be able to get through this. Its really hard also when it seems like I am the only one struggling.
  • b1t3m3
    b1t3m3 Posts: 47
    Day 2 was waay harder until day 1. I was sluggish and unmotivated for everything, and started doubting whether I would follow through (yeah, 2 days in). I dragged myself out of the house and off to yoga (didn't get tempted by the bakery in between), and it's funny, sweating and stretching, and all of a sudden, my head was clear and my energy was back. Today I'm back to work after two days off which is a whole new challenge, so far feeling good.
  • Merci444
    Merci444 Posts: 222 Member
    Today I did really well. I plan to have leftover dinner for breakfast, perhaps bring a couple of eggs and a salad for lunch (and some nuts) Thing it, tomorrow is a busy day for me, the kind of day I would probably have to have some sort of protein bar. This will be a test day, we will see. I plan to stay on track, I just don't want to starve myself.