What to eat for breakfast?



  • d1meshel
    d1meshel Posts: 12 Member
    Easy! Make it the night before. Dont cook, just cereal. Add almond milk/soy/ cocoanut milk stir and put infridge. Next am yummy goodness! I like to add a scoop of protein powder. Garden of Life Raw protein is vegan. Best price is on Amazon. It is PLAIN so you have to mix it in something. Like some berries. Try different cereals like grapenuts or multigrain oatmeal.
  • Yarrowdays
    Yarrowdays Posts: 19
    When I'm in a hurry, I like to put a cup of oats with cinnamon, berries, and a bit of water or almond milk into the fridge. I leave it in there overnight, and the flavors of the raisins/berries soaks into the oatmeal, and makes it completely delicious.

    I've also made baked oatmeal, which you can find recipes for that anywhere, and store it in the fridge to just scoop out and eat in the morning. You can also heat it up; either in a saucepan, or in the microwave (I don't use a microwave, so you'd have to experiment with the temperature).

    When I'm NOT in a hurry, I like to have steelcut oats with berries, cinnamon, or whatever else I fancy. That's usually made with two cups water for every one cup of oats, and you have to keep the heat low while the oats simmer :) This can also be made ahead of time if you want, and just heated up in portions.

    Other things you could have for breakfast are:
    Bagel and fruit
    Broiled grapefruit (never had it, but I've heard it's delicious)
    Healthy, oatmeal fruit waffles. I make mine ahead of time and pop them in the toaster the next day. I usually put fruit on top of them.

    And that's about all the ideas I have right now, though I'm sure there's tons of other things :)
  • veg_runner
    veg_runner Posts: 38 Member
    I'd always go for something sugary and preferably fruit in the morning. Your body after sleeping has basically been "fasting" for 8-12 hours and the best way to get it going is with glucose which is what our cells need. I tend to have a fruity smoothie of some sort but short of that some juice, your favorite cereal with your favorite non dairy milk, oatmeal w/ sugar etc. Just keep it high carb low fat otherwise if you eat a bunch of high fat stuff in the morning you'll be gassy and have digestion issues.
  • lady_of_steele
    lady_of_steele Posts: 36 Member
    I second the votes for scrambled tofu (with any delicous peppers you have, + Daiya Dairy-Free cheddar or pepper jack style shreds), as well as smoothies, oatmeal, and I've recently added Mama Chia drinks to that list, if you just want something light.