March 2013 Babies



  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    Yuppers. :)
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Well at least there's an end in sight, I'm overdue now, and like you Mrs Shotwing I get a few braxton hicks as I relax at bedtime and I lay there thinking maybe this will turn into something, and then I get up in the morning and feel fine and dandy. I'm so tired of waiting!! Unlike you I don't have an induction opportunity. :-( I had a c section with my #2 and so I'm going to be waiting until I'm 42 weeks for things to happen naturally ... then they'll try to induce me, but with a very mild (unlikely to work) dosage, the drugs they use to induce labour increase the chances of a c section scar rupturing ... and then I'll probably end up having a c section again, which I could have opted for over a week ago!!

    Fingers crossed it doesn't come to that, I'll head out for another walk in a bit, see if I can make something happen. I went for a big walk yesterday and had braxton hicks galore the whole time, but as soon as I got home ... they stopped!
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    I'm in the single digits now. 9 more days until my due date. I really really hope he comes soon. If he's not here by the 18th, I get induced that day. So at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    He's here! Born at 41 weeks, and though that extra week was a killer, emotionally, he's worth every second of the wait! His name is George James, he was 8lb 13oz or 4.01kg. Birth was very quick, waters broke with no contractions, but contractions established quickly. I had to go to hospital due to previous c section, arrived at hospital at 9.50pm and 2cm dilated, he was born at 11.17pm!! So basically 90 mins from 2cm to being born! My memories of the birth are very surreal, due to the pace I guess. He pooed during labour, scared the s*@t out of him!! So we had to stay in hospital to check he didn't have meconium in his lungs. That was all good and we're home now. My kids LOVE him soooooo much!
  • beezbee
    beezbee Posts: 87 Member
    Congrats to Beezbee I believe! I've got less than two weeks till my due date but given that this is my first baby, it could be later.

    I have a cold right now, so I'm hoping she gives me another few days to get over it so I can actually breathe through my nose!

    Thanks guys! I hate that I don't get notified when someone posts here, so I missed your nice comments. Yes, our little boy was born 2/26 and all went well! Congratulations to all of you who have baby pics in their profiles ;-) Good luck for the mommas who are still due!

    What happens now that we have delivered? Do we take this to another forum? Now comes the part where we support each other as we get back into shape right? lol
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Sounds like a great plan beezbee, Aeriel already up and running, well I don't know if she's running, but I've seen her doing some great logging! I weighed in today ... eeeek! I've got some work to do, but I'll get there!