Do you find you underestimate your calorie intake?

CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
Just curious...I have my MFP set at 1700/day goal and I usually "eat back" my exercise calories on those days...I usually try to save a couple of hundred calories because I just know I'm forgetting about little bites here and there I take throughout the day and "forget" to record....

...anyone else do that?


  • wfte
    wfte Posts: 195 Member
    Mine are always as accurate as I can get as I plan my days food at least the night before and stick to it. Also weigh pretty much everything.
  • photojunkie28
    I use some estimation and I only plan around 75% of my food ahead of time due to spontaneous work/life day to day activities. I use my food scale and other measuring devices when I can, but try not to go too crazy because personally I can get way too wrapped up in the EXACTNESS of everything. A little calories left over here and there and a few extra calories here and there all balances out in the end. Afterall, our calorie burns in our day to day life vary , so why shouldn't our calories?
  • watergirl626
    watergirl626 Posts: 249 Member
    I misunderstood by the title alone the other day. But I tend to log almost everything. If I forget about a second cup if coffee, those 19 cals from the creamer aren't going to undo everything. I usually tried to get within 50 of goal. But when I got my food scale, I realized that what I was estimating as a portion was actually often LESS than what the weighed out portion was, so I'm glad now I didn't try to leave more cals because I already wasn't eating as much as I thought I was.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Very interesting...once I got my kitchen scale a few years ago, I was *amazed* at how small an actual portion size was, especially with something like pasta. I'm pretty good at eyeballing stuff now....I'm just bad at the "little" calories here and I did a much better job including things like a few jelly beans (WHY do I eat those???) or a couple of squares of chocolate...