Happy Healthy Honest Monday!



  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Happy Monday all...

    Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday :)

    Had a great week, including Thanksgiving...lost a lb, was within my calorie goal 5/7 days, but made it under goal for the week...thanks to some extra walking days!


    Congrats on the 1 lb loss. I know it took alot of effort with the holidays. Hey, I think we're gonna do this! :bigsmile:
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Another Monday...I honestly didn't want to get out of bed...I was so warm and comfortable :)

    Anyway, made it out of bed and working through my Monday.

    Hope we all have a good week!
  • BernaRoche
    BernaRoche Posts: 9 Member
    Monday (today) is the day I get out of the fog and start counting calories again, with healthy meal choices lined up and ready to go. I have been on autopilot and the good news is that I didn't gain any weight. The bad news is that I didn't lose any either, and that is not getting me any closer to my goal of healthy weight. My sister joined me on MFP last week, and I am finally catching up to her by starting to post to my diary again today. It's good to be back!
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Monday (today) is the day I get out of the fog and start counting calories again, with healthy meal choices lined up and ready to go. I have been on autopilot and the good news is that I didn't gain any weight. The bad news is that I didn't lose any either, and that is not getting me any closer to my goal of healthy weight. My sister joined me on MFP last week, and I am finally catching up to her by starting to post to my diary again today. It's good to be back!

    Good for you. Sometimes we just need someone who we know and love to join us in the struggle and encourage us to go on.

    As for me, I've been holding steady on my weight loss for about 3 weeks now. I am counting calories and exercising. My pants are fitting looser and my waist has shrunk to a somewhat normal size. So I am going to be happy with that for now. I will commit to passing up most sweets during this Christmas holiday, and continue to exercise and count all my calories. Although I don't think weight loss is in the cards for now - maybe the scales will surprise me next Monday, and hopefully in the right direction. Honestly, I don't know why I'm not losing at least .5 lbs per week. I go up and down with the same pound week after week. :huh:
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Busy busy busy Monday...

    My focus this week is on water...I really stunk at drinking it last week...only 2 out of 7 days :(

    Fixing it and moving on!!
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    I had a wonderful weekend. I got the Christmas tree up and the house decorated. Then we celebrated my grandson's 8th birthday. My sister was here visiting last week and we had a lot of fun together. Also had my mom's 80th birthday party. With all that I expected my weight to do horrible things, but it didn't. I am up from Friday but down from last Monday so things are great.
    I took some time today and planned healthy menus for this week. Trying to be good until Christmas now except for a party or 2. :happy:
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Well, not such a happy Monday....it is unfortunate that it takes a tragedy like a school massacre to point out that my struggles, although important to me, are really trivial in the grand scheme of things. My heart goes out to the families in Newtown...
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Well, not such a happy Monday....it is unfortunate that it takes a tragedy like a school massacre to point out that my struggles, although important to me, are really trivial in the grand scheme of things. My heart goes out to the families in Newtown...

    It sure does put things in perspective, doesn't it. Hang in there friend, this world is not the end of our existence, nor those 26 people in Newtown. It's still just too sad...
  • doit2013
    doit2013 Posts: 230 Member
    Happy Monday :)

    Celebrating not only because it's New Year's Eve, but also because I've shed the 3 lbs of fluid that I gained during Christmas:)

    Here's wishing you all success in 2013!

  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    Wow, you've done very well. Now it's time for me to get back into the swing of things. As for honesty, I gained 3 lbs over the holidays. As for healthy, I'm back on track today to lose those lbs. And as for happy, I'll be happy to get them off because I feel bloated with them hanging around.