****Day Three****

Day three ladies! I am so proud of myself for getting through it today. Day three has been my downfall the last two times I have attempted the shred. My body was so sore, and I would talk myself out of doing it for the day. Which of course turned into the rest of the week and then I would just quit. Not today! I did it first thing this morning, followed by my 3.5-4 mile walk. Honestly, I am already feeling the difference. I was able to get through today's shred without as much difficulty as the previous two days. Also I did 8 push ups (modified)! That is a feat all in it's self. :) I am also eating much better this time, so I just feel better all the way around. So ready for tomorrow. Bring it!

How did everyone else do on Day Three?


  • ismiseciara
    ismiseciara Posts: 211 Member
    Ouch Ouch Ouch haha :0 my calfs are quite ore today but i got through it.im going to the gym later today so hopeflly theyll loosen up :)
  • jessjphillips
    jessjphillips Posts: 72 Member
    Day 3 complete. Feeling good about the exercise, not so good about the eating today. Hopefully I"ll do better tomorrow!
  • lolaluv4
    lolaluv4 Posts: 36 Member
    happy wednesday everyone!! three more days til the weekend!
    the excitement of a new work out is wearing off (i know already! it's going to be a long month!) so when the alarm went off this morning i wanted to throw it against the wall and go back to bed. but i got my butt up and shredded with jillian and the girls. it does feel a million times better though after you do it and well worth the struggle to get up. i only skipped two of the arterial raises today. getting stronger!
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Hey you guys,

    I finished day 3 today too. I'm having a really hard time understanding though - how am I supposed to "tighten my abs" or "pull it in" like Jill says to?

    I have a few ways that I'm not sure are right:

    A) Suck in (as if trying to hide a large stomach) and pull my bellybutton near my spine
    B) Push out (similar to giving birth or something, lol"
    C) a combo of the two

    Does anyone know? I really don't want to waste a workout and not get any results in my abs because I wasn't doing it right :( I've been looking all over but I can't find an explanation that I understand. Pleasee help!

    Thanks so much :)
  • n6435
    n6435 Posts: 17
    Jen800, I kinda just squeeze my stomach muscles so I would say A.
  • MariahHubert
    MariahHubert Posts: 103 Member
    Day three is done! WOOHOO!

    My calves hurt so incredibly bad but I just told myself it would be over soon and by the time I was done I was ready for my day TWO of C25k.

    Just some friendly advice to everyone;
    If you want to feel like a complete badass, listen to the 'hard rock' exercise playlist on Pandora. It helped me so much! It felt like the songs were right in beat with my workout.

    Hope you all keep going!
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Thanks n6435,

    Anyone else? Do you also do A?
  • I did day 3 early this morning. I hate working out in the mornings but only time I could do the exercise today.
  • Day #3 Done!!!
  • xoTammyox
    xoTammyox Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks n6435,

    Anyone else? Do you also do A?

    I stick my abs in the whole time I'm crunching. I can still do the breathing too. Once you're done with the shred check out pilates. It has to do a lot with breathing,

    I finished day 3 and it was tuff. I think it's because I'm so tired. I do it at 3 am in the morning. :yawn:
  • mysweetsurrender
    mysweetsurrender Posts: 57 Member
    Day three and the idea of a new workout program is wearing thin already. It was hard to get motivated to start today, but once I start it was easy going.

    Keep up the great work everyone.

    Let's do this together...
  • I'm not a fitness expert, but from what I've heard in the past you want to go with your Option A... suck in your belly, I like the imagery of sucking it in to your back. Think of it this way, your goal is to tighten your stomach and you don't want your stomach to be sticking out. As you build the muscle through regularly doing the exercises you want to be "training" your stomach muscles to go in the direction you want. Hope that helps!
  • womanwithamission
    womanwithamission Posts: 67 Member
    Day 3! I'm so sore, moving so slowly. I need a handle attached to the wall to help me get on and off the pot (toilet)!!! I muted the tv and listened to music today, it did go bye much faster. My four year old twins are sick, so I also had an audience which is always fun!
  • Today is Day 4 for me. Yesterday was a lot easier as most of my soreness was gone. I feel stronger and building more endurance, which is awesome!
  • Option A! I just suck it in like I am trying to look skinnier. :)
  • ^^^That should say yesterday was day 4 for me...today is Day 5. Halfway through level 1:)
  • plhv19
    plhv19 Posts: 46 Member
    Yes, it's most like "A" in your options, yes. You know when you flex your bicep or squeeze your butt? Think of it like that for your abs. Squeeze your belly button to your spine, but not so much you stick your chest out. Just concentrate on feeling a muscular contraction (tightening) in your belly area.
  • apachebat
    apachebat Posts: 119 Member
    Yep. Day 3 crossed off!!!

    Thanks for the music tip Mariah. I'll be checking it out tomorrow.
  • caramellips06
    caramellips06 Posts: 82 Member
    Day 3 down feeling great got it in this morning only 27 days to go n i was def sore from my workouts yesterday but i wont give up we got this
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member
    Day 3 done. Yay. My arms were so sore this morning I didn't know if I would be able to do it, but I did. t was still a hard workout but I only had to take two 5 second rests today. Doing much better.

    Great job everyone. Just 27 more days to go.
  • kgprncss01
    kgprncss01 Posts: 40 Member
    Day three ladies! I am so proud of myself for getting through it today. Day three has been my downfall the last two times I have attempted the shred. My body was so sore, and I would talk myself out of doing it for the day. Which of course turned into the rest of the week and then I would just quit. Not today! I did it first thing this morning, followed by my 3.5-4 mile walk. Honestly, I am already feeling the difference. I was able to get through today's shred without as much difficulty as the previous two days. Also I did 8 push ups (modified)! That is a feat all in it's self. :) I am also eating much better this time, so I just feel better all the way around. So ready for tomorrow. Bring it!

    How did everyone else do on Day Three?

    Hi! just want to say that i've been reading your posts since the start, and you should be so proud of yourself! You can do it this time!!!!
  • Day 3 done :) I actually got through today much easier. Struggled as usual with the push ups. I cant even do one modified. I am soooo weak!!!! I managed to get through the whole thing without even a 1 sec break and im sore sore sore sore!!!!! Loving it though and feeling so good!
  • kgprncss01
    kgprncss01 Posts: 40 Member
    Day 3 DONE!!!! whoot whoot! I woke up this mornig, kinda sore. I did some stretching yoga last night before bed, i think it really helped. I felt really good doing the workout today, I felt way stronger! My energy level is way up today! I hope all is going well for everyone else! I love getting to do this challenge with all of you, i feel way more motivated than i ever have! Keep it up everyone, we can do this together!!!
  • Day 3 was SLIGHTLY easier, however my arms were KILLING me!! :huh:
    Glad that there are 7 days to go!
  • Thanks!!!
  • stephaniec78
    stephaniec78 Posts: 76 Member
    My arms were killing me also, before and after the workout. I just took a hot bath and it helped my muscles a lot. Still a little sore but nothing like I was.
  • Day 3 was SLIGHTLY easier, however my arms were KILLING me!! :huh:
    Glad that there are 7 days to go!

    dont u mean 27? :tongue:
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Day 3 complete. It was actually harder for me. Maybe because I'm doing the 100 Pushups and 200 Squats challenge as well. I'm glad I'm committed to doing it in the morning it makes it easier and a great way to start my day.

    I'm hoping day 4 will be easier.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    I just did my day TWO workout (I had a migraine from the heat all night last night and gave up). Doing a second round after my protein shake! :bigsmile: I'm feeling good today! My ankles feel weak so I'm focusing hard on the upper body moves and keeping my feet flatter during lower body exercises.

    Way to go everyone!
  • slshaw23
    slshaw23 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm on day three as well and I've had a long day and not really in the mood to exercise but I have to get it in it will be later on this evening so I hope I can make it through because I normally workout earlier in the day