Hardest moves

kikiallain Posts: 151 Member
Today will be day 5 of level 2 and I must say that the worst move for me is when you do the front and back lunges. I can't seem to be able to keep up with these. I find them hard on my knees and I also find it's hard to go from one to the other that quickly while maintaining good form. I get very frustrated because i really don't want to hurt my knees by doing it without good form yet I don't want to just skip out on the whole move either.

What's your worst move?


  • Montegue42
    This level, I would have to say anything with planks...but I have menstrual cramps right now which makes them impossible to do. Hopefully next week they will be easier ;)
  • mssoulrebel_77
    Surprisingly it's those V things. Having to do the military press then the V's KILLS my arms. That's the only exercise in this whole series so far that I have done without weights.

    When I previewed level 2 I didn't think those would be that difficult. What I thought would be the challenge was the walk out push ups. I'm STUNNED that that's become on of my favorite moves on this level.
  • Montegue42
    Surprisingly it's those V things. Having to do the military press then the V's KILLS my arms. That's the only exercise in this whole series so far that I have done without weights.

    When I previewed level 2 I didn't think those would be that difficult. What I thought would be the challenge was the walk out push ups. I'm STUNNED that that's become on of my favorite moves on this level.

    I LOVE the walk out push ups! The stretch and the strength move is really nice.
  • SaraSapp
    SaraSapp Posts: 26 Member
    Today will be day 5 of level 2 and I must say that the worst move for me is when you do the front and back lunges. I can't seem to be able to keep up with these. I find them hard on my knees and I also find it's hard to go from one to the other that quickly while maintaining good form. I get very frustrated because i really don't want to hurt my knees by doing it without good form yet I don't want to just skip out on the whole move either.

    What's your worst move?

    I totally feel you here. I quit trying to keep pace with them. Now I focus on doing each move at my own pace so I maintain the right form. When I was trying to keep up with them I was losing my balance and getting frustrated and probably looked like a fool.

    I agree with my buddy Melanie, mssoulrebel_7, the dang V thing sucks! I cannot for the life of me get my weights to eye level. I'm getting bored with level 2. Anyone on level 3? What's the verdict on that level?
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    Oh my god, yes... those V raises KILLED me.

    Level 3 has a couple that are really killer... the worst for me are the jumping lunges. Or maybe the travelling push ups. Oh, and the scissor crunches. Ha. Actually, I've been doing Level 3 for about a week now and it's definitely easier than when I started!! I'm still doing a lot of the beginner moves, but I don't even care. I'm just glad to be making it through the whole thing haha.

    Congrats to everyone who has been losing inches and pounds! I'm KICKING myself for not taking "before" measurements and pictures. Some days I feel like I see a difference, but some days I feel like I look the same. Le sigh. (The scale has not been moving very much for the last 2 weeks... muscle gain or just not making progress? I don't know.)
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    The V raises are also my hardest move. Those things suck! Luckily tomorrow will be my last day on level 2! I have read several times that people prefer level 3 over level 2.. not sure why that is, or if it's true. I suppose I will find out in a few days!
  • Time4NUME
    Time4NUME Posts: 138 Member
    I agree with you.. I am having the same issue.