Best tips?

Jane61849 Posts: 30 Member
What are your best tips for weight loss? What has worked for you?

I haven't been super successful, so would like to hear your thoughts on this.



  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    I have been obese for 22 years. I have tried many times to lose weight, but ultimately kept getting bigger and bigger. After a few years of not trying at all, I started on 02/13/12. I'm not certain why, but it seems less, move more and accept that it will take time.

    I have found that my biggest struggle is the scale. I often go 2 to 3 weeks without losing anything and I haven't lost a pound for every 3,500 calorie deficit like I should, so it is easy to feel cheated. I haven't been able to stop myself from weighing daily, but I have learned to wait it out and stay on track. Although I haven't seen consistent losses, I am averaging 2.4 pounds lost per week. In previous attempts, I would get frustrated. If I wasn't losing, I might as well eat, right? Then, I didn't lose, because I didn't deserve to.

    I just realized that I wasn't suffering, so I didn't have to see spectacular results consistently. The longer I stayed on track, the easier it was to continue.

    I eat food I enjoy, just healthier food. I found adding fresh peppers and spices to food adds so much flavor. And you can eat a lot of vegetables for few calories. I am never hungry. Now taco bell (an old favorite), doesn't even taste like real food.

    And I don't exercise, I play. I enjoy hiking, biking, Kinect, tennis, batting cages and kayaking. I am looking forward to horseback riding, playing basketball and roller blading next summer. All these activities make me feel younger too, so I want to do them even if I wasn't losing.

    Good luck to you on finding your path to weight loss.
  • MissySho
    MissySho Posts: 126 Member
    Ok so I may not have been at this very long but in the short time I have been having a go at this I have found what works best for me is: drink lots of water, water is my primary drink anymore. Eat what I want, but control the portions. Also I don't eat any fast food anymore, I make dinner every single night and I tend to eat left overs for lunch the following day. I don't want to limit myself to just "diet" food. When I can't have fresh veggies I really try to stay with just frozen. And when I have to use canned always drain and rinse really good. Cut fat where you can. I realize some things just don't taste right if they aren't full fat. Keep moving. Keep pushing yourself and know that you are good enough. This is a lifestyle change, you didn't get this way over night and you surely can't change overnight. Just give your best everyday and don't beat yourself up for slip ups.
  • Jane61849
    Jane61849 Posts: 30 Member
    Yustick, Missy,

    Thanks for your help, I appreciate it. In my 20s I did a lot of self talk to help feeling better about myself, so I want to be careful as I work to lose weight that I'm not calling myself down all the time, while creating a slimmer, healthier me.


  • eys81
    eys81 Posts: 61 Member
    I have been big my whole life and tried (and failed) so many things. The times that I've had the most success were when I got up early and exercised so that it was done before the day actually started and I could get distracted. Also, when I started weighing and measuring my food. It was a pain but it helped me loose at that point. I've just started trying again and have my food scale out on the counter, lol. Good luck!!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Inspiring!!!! Thanks for the tips! For me, I KNOW that my loss will be slow......I never lose 2 pounds in a week, even if I am netting 1000 cals a day. So I can't get discouraged.
    I measure and track everything---When I stop tracking I start overeating.

    I WANT to eat more veggies, and fruit.

    I try to exercise every day, in the mornings before I get tired :-) I love to do the Wii and aerobic DVD's.