Change is hard.

I know that for some ppl change is hard whenever it comes to the process. There was a point during my weight loss that I felt I look weird. I call this my transitioning stage. But once I accepted the fact that it is a journey to where I wanted to be. Things got much easier for me. I'd get up and make my shake. I'd do a small workout on my off days. And I'd carry on my day from there. I chose to eat a diet high in protein getting most of my fat from meat. I stayed away from anything that is beige, white, or starchy. And I reached my 50 lbs goal. Good luck y'all and keep pushing.


  • sharronlittles
    I started my journey almost three months ago, I have A HUGE SWEET TOOTH!!!! so for me change was hard, but one day I took a long look at myself and I was unhappy!! I knew it was time.. Well since then I have dropped 20lbs and have 40 more to go!!! I feel great not ashamed to look at myself in a mirror.. I will post pictures soon.. :flowerforyou:
  • Sweetie20oh5
    Congrats. And love the mirror honey. That's one of the things that helped me to get where I am now.