Side effects of increased armour?

I was dx'd with hashimotos back in January. My TSH wasnt very high and my t3 t4 wasnt very low, so I was put on 30 mg of armour. After a 6 week check, it showed my levels as totally perfect and I felt AMAZING.

2 months ago I noticed a drop off, gaining weight again, depression, anxiety, hair falling out, and total complete exhaustion. The last 3 weeks turned into hell, constant anxiety and ALWAYS sleeping. So finally I made a dr appointment to get things looked at. I haven't had my thyroid levels looked at since last March.

My TSH was a FT3 was a 0.02, FT4 was within normal range. So my dr put me on 60 mg of armour thyroid and I'm being tested in 3 weeks to see if we need to increase it more (he says we probably will)

My question, I NEVER had any side effects with the 30 mg of armour. I have taken the 60mg 2 days in a row now, and I am confused, (still) exhausted, my legs feel weak, and terrible headaches. Has anyone ever had this issue when jumping in doses?

Also, I'm on other medications too...Yaz, Lexapro, and Metrogel...the metrogel is also a new medication but the side effects I read about are pretty much topical.

Thanks in advance ladies...I probably shouldn't have even driven myself to work today, that's how bad the exhaustion and confusion is right now...I just feel like my head is enveloped in a fog.


  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    So sorry AmyMarie! It sounds terrible!
    I have experienced the symptoms you have, but to me, it sounds like your TSH is still way out of whack, rather then a problem with the Armour. I had what you had today when I wasn't on meds & needed them.

    I think it takes more than a week for it to take effect. In fact, I'm raising mine & wondering the same thing... how long does it take? I raised mine twice in the last 2 weeks, and I'm using the temperature test to track whether its taking effect, or not. My Dr says it will take 8 weeks for it to show up... but I don't have patience to let the hypo take all my hair! LOL.
    Hope you get answers soon!l
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I agree with ^^ I don't think it's your Armour (the symptoms you'd have from bumping up so much in dosage would generally be excess energy, anxiety, heart palps, etc.). Your TSH is crazy high! What was your original TSH that you thought wasn't "that bad"? I'd also ask how long you've been on Yaz, and point out that birth control CAN play around with thyroid meds (make sure you take them FAR apart, and even then, they can interact); plus, Yaz has MANY odd side-effects.
  • My very first TSH draw was a 4.8 I believe, I can't remember exactly, it's been a while LOL My dr said it was "high" but within normal levels and put me on 30 mg of armour. I've been on the yaz for 4 years now. I take my armour at 8 am, yaz at 8 pm, so exactly 12 hours apart (I have alarms set haha) I started armour in January, levels were all normal in March. That was the last time I was tested until last week.

    I'm wondering if maybe now that I KNOW that my levels are off, I'm just more aware of my symptoms. I was wondering what my problem was that I couldn't motivate myself to do anything. Well now I know! My biggest issue right now is the headaches...they're 24/7 and no advil or tylenol will make any difference.
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Hi OAmyMarieO

    I really am sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. :brokenheart:

    I don't know if this would pertain to you but, when I told my Endo I was still having some symptoms he added T3/Cytomel to my Armour as he felt he didn't want to add any T4 higher doses of Armour would do. He was happy with my T4 numbers. I have to admit I do feel better. I had blood work today and an I have an appt. next week and I'll see how it went. I don't sleep well at night but the total exhaustion has gone. I'm tired from not sleeping and I will discuss that with him but this is how he handled my increase of T3. The really bad headaches sounds as if something else might be going on with you too.

    I wish you success with getting everything sorted out.

  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Yeah, 4.8 is "high" to "high normal" (high normal on the old scale they just changed, high on the new scale that taps out at 3) for TSH. A TSH in 20 though--until those levels get regulated by medication, hell yeah you're going to feel that (my levels were that bad way back in the day when I was being severely underdosed... without a thyroid!). I think you can rule out medication, or other medications interacting--your TSH is whacked :(

    Also, people will be saying, "Try this, or try that"... unfortunately, you have to give time to ANY new thyroid medication to work, that's why endos don't like switching it up all the time. Ultimately, you need probably 6 months to really feel effects--depending on how often you get bloodwork (I used to get it done 1-2 times a month!), that can also show the effects.

    It sucks that thyroid is such a slow fix, but I feel with 99% certainty your symptoms are not drug related, but unfortunately, purely hypothyroid related :(
  • survivor1952
    survivor1952 Posts: 250 Member
    Could it be the Armour itself? I am one of the weird people who has to be very careful using "natural" meds. My body gets all out of whack. I tolerate regular prescription meds fine but natural or herbal puts my system into a tailspin. I got DX w/Hashimoto's last Oct., and an on Synthroid without any bad side effects. Just a thought to ask endo about.
  • Thank you ladies, I actually noticed a huge change this morning. Firstly, I woke up at 8 am (on my own!) instead of 1100 am...with the alarm blazing in my ear telling me that's the absolute last second I can wake to get ready for work haha.

    Don't get me wrong, I have kids, so my mornings are usually me waking up just long enough to down a cup of coffee and get them ready for school and on the bus before passing back out.

    No headache today, no leg weakness, no brain fog, none of that. Still completely exhausted, but able to be awake without crying because I want to go back to sleep so desperately. My feet are still ice but a heating pad helps.

    I thought my thyroid was bad before...holy crap... I had no idea how bad bad could get! My prayers are with you all who have dealt with extreme levels.
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    When I switched from Cytomel/Levoxcyl to Armour it took around 3 months to feel better. I think it is just the shift in meds. I feel much better now and hope to never have to go back to synthetic drugs
  • nakiarhall
    nakiarhall Posts: 51 Member
    I hate Armour when I was on Synthroid I worked my *kitten* off and lost alot of weight. Well reading all of the stories online about Armour I switch to it and gained 40lbs in 2 months and I'm always sleep and can't lose a pound eventhough I workout and eat right. I hate this disease.
  • debbylee22
    debbylee22 Posts: 456 Member
    That's too bad, nakiarhall, I guess its not for everyone.
    I am doing much better on it then on the synthroid. Each person is unique, that's for sure!