The PCOS Belly



  • michellevt725
    michellevt725 Posts: 190 Member
    I posted this on a pcos weight loss group on fb that I belong to today:
    Just a vent. We have a big wedding to go to next month and I'm thinking about renting a fancy dress to wear to it. Since I'm still losing weight I was looking at different sizing charts to see what size I should be reserving. Going on measurements I took last weekend: chest:size 14, hips: size 12, waist (and I took this several times to make sure): size 20. Now, I'm wearing size 14 pants so...yeah. wth? I'm blaming this on the PCOS stomach!
  • shantiface
    shantiface Posts: 12 Member
    Going on measurements I took last weekend: chest:size 14, hips: size 12, waist (and I took this several times to make sure): size 20. Now, I'm wearing size 14 pants so...yeah. wth? I'm blaming this on the PCOS stomach!

    THIS IS HOW I FEEL! I am going to do the same thing and see sizes i am without this belly! I'll bet i see the same thing :)

    BTW - are you doing rent the runway? I love that site!
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    It took forever for me to go down in size in pants. When I started to first lose the weight I went down to a 1x in shirt and my pants size stayed at 4x (26) for the longest. Finally once I lost about 50 pounds, I went down in pants size. Now wear 2x (22). The belly will go away, just really have to watch the bad carbs and sugar intake.
  • michellevt725
    michellevt725 Posts: 190 Member
    BTW - are you doing rent the runway? I love that site!

    Yes, I may do it. I'm going out shopping with my mother to see if I can possibly fit into a size 12 dress. I'm bringing a pair of spanx with me too!
  • bsgkid
    bsgkid Posts: 72 Member
    I look forward to the day when strangers will quit asking when I'm due. I'm not and have never been...pregnant...nor am I trying to be. When I started losing weight, my boobs lost two cup sizes, so now my stomach looks proportionately bigger (even though overall it is smaller). Egads!
  • The belly is ridiculous. My mom is a photographer and shot my best friends wedding this past summer. When she was going through the photos, she sent me a bunch and talked about how from the back, I look like I am a normal weight and then I turn around and it is nothing but stomach. I have lost weight before, and the belly is definitely the last thing to go. I personally swear by shape wear for any special occasion. I did go gluten free for a while and noticed that my belly did not get as large t/o the day.
    Also does anyone else have the thing where when they first wake up, even though I have weight, your belly is somewhat flatter, and then by the time you eat something, even if it is a piece of fruit, your belly grows. It blows my mind. It happens every morning.

    Also I am so glad that this group is on here. Dealing with PCOS is not something that people can understand unless they have it, so it feels good to have people to be able to relate.
  • thatsingergirl
    thatsingergirl Posts: 70 Member
    Yes! When I wake up it's definitely flatter... it will only stay flat if I keep my salt & carb intake down over the day. If I eat high carb foods, salty foods, or foods with gluten, I'll bloat up by the end of the day.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    In the last 75 pounds I've lost, my stomach measurement has dropped 3.5 inches. That's it. Every other part of me is dramatically smaller, but no, not my gut. My pants size is still huge because they have to fit around my stomach, but the butt and hips are all ridiculously baggy. It's why I've never understood the need for a belt - if the waist of my pants was too big, they would simply fall off as there is nothing else keeping them up.
  • Unless you are tryna get preggo, Metformin won't shrink the belly...just make you sick. People (including me) really underestimate the power of cutting out processed food from their diet to increase their efforts in slimming their bellies. Even dinners that are suppose to help with diet efforts (those frozen weight watchers and lean cuisines) block your belly shrinking efforts. Once I cut those out and other processed food, my belly shrunk dramatically. A strong slim core is made just as much in the kitchen as it is made in the gym (or at home gyms).
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
    I totally feel you on this. I have been having to buy pants that are too big in the thighs/butt and look ridiculous, but they just fit over my stomach. Hate it :( Hopefully it will go down someday...
  • junglejd13
    junglejd13 Posts: 55 Member
    Weight lifting will help way more than cardio for toning up, read "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis, it will blow your mind. Also, what you eat has a huge effect on your body, even if you work out all the time. That is why you see people that work out a lot but still have a gut.
  • kat_para_
    kat_para_ Posts: 34 Member
    I have the belly also. I'm very much an apple shape (which I've heard most women with PCOS are). I'm working on losing the weight and adding muscle to my lower body to balance out my proportions.
  • MeepleMuppet
    MeepleMuppet Posts: 226 Member
    Hay! People just like me! I've had PCOS for 20-some years but just recently started doing something about it as well. I've lowered my sugar and carb consumption (not cut entirely, I just can't) and lost about 10 pounds before plateauing. Now I've noticed the scale doesn't move but my clothes fit differently, so I will echo the tape measure idea. I have very few PCOS friends so send me an FR if you are so inclined.
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Tagging this thread for future reference. I totally have the "capital B" shaped PCOS belly, and it drives me insane. I lose fat from everywhere but the gut.

    A personal trainer that I saw wanted me to go completely keto for at least 2 weeks to see if that would help shrink my stomach. I told him no way was that going to happen. I can do 100 carbs or less without TOO much difficulty, and easily 125 carbs or less. 0-25? No way. I need to find a way to reduce the size without causing me to have a mental snap and doing something that would put me behind bars :wink: Also, I'm always up for friends with open diaries who don't mind me stealing some meal ideas!
  • I have PCOS and a fatty lower belly, but I never felt they were related.

    The metformin will not necessarily help you to lose any fat, it just helps your body to better metabolize the sugar/carbs you consume. So in essence, it will help you not to gain more than to help you lose.

    I've been losing quite steadily just by watching my calorie intake (I don't do low carb, it's too hard for me since I'm not a fan of most meat, although I do limit my added sugar and refined carbohydrates and most doctors have suggested low carb diets), taking metformin, and exercising at least an hour a day (at least an hour every day is key to burning excess glucose in your system, any less than an hour is not effective in that regard.)

    Since you said you're already at a healthy weight, I would just up your exercise and slightly limit your caloric intake and I imagine you'll see results.

    I'm curious...I've heard this "at least 1 hour a day" thing before. SO, my question is 1 hour of cardio? or cardio combined with resistance? Do you practice this? Curious what you do :) I'm currently worked up to 40 mins of cardio 5x a week but i want to make a difference with my "pcos belly" too
  • LaLa482
    LaLa482 Posts: 82 Member
    I have PCOS and a fatty lower belly, but I never felt they were related.

    The metformin will not necessarily help you to lose any fat, it just helps your body to better metabolize the sugar/carbs you consume. So in essence, it will help you not to gain more than to help you lose.

    I've been losing quite steadily just by watching my calorie intake (I don't do low carb, it's too hard for me since I'm not a fan of most meat, although I do limit my added sugar and refined carbohydrates and most doctors have suggested low carb diets), taking metformin, and exercising at least an hour a day (at least an hour every day is key to burning excess glucose in your system, any less than an hour is not effective in that regard.)

    Since you said you're already at a healthy weight, I would just up your exercise and slightly limit your caloric intake and I imagine you'll see results.

    I'm curious...I've heard this "at least 1 hour a day" thing before. SO, my question is 1 hour of cardio? or cardio combined with resistance? Do you practice this? Curious what you do :) I'm currently worked up to 40 mins of cardio 5x a week but i want to make a difference with my "pcos belly" too

    I use to do one hour of aerobic (cardio, if you will) exercises a day and recently switched it up to 20-30 minutes most days as I don't always have the time to give up an hour plus time for strength training/lifting. I've never read the "at least 1 hour a day" thing, I've read that to maximize glucose burning you need to do aerobic exercise 3-5 days a week for 30 minutes. Funny enough, my belly still continued to reduce at the same rate at a reduced time so maybe there is some truth to that. Oh, and when I say aerobic exercise, I mean 30 minutes at 75%-85% of my maximum heart rate. In addition, I lift and do resistance training (squats/planks/push-ups/band work/wall sits) 3 times a week for 30 or so minutes at a 70%-75% HR.

    Everyone is different and requires different eating/exercise needs so you may need to play around with it a bit, consistently log, and then analyze your data. Adding weight-lifting to my routine (no, not 10lb dumbbells) and core/resistance training (with my pt) is where I've seen the biggest difference.
  • livcurious
    livcurious Posts: 30 Member
    Oh my gosh. I have the belly and never realized it was part of PCOS. I'm going to pay more attention to where I lose weight and take measurements now. My pants have never fit right because of my waist, it's so nice to know there's a reason. I may have to try cutting back carbs even more now that I've read this.
  • KatyAverill
    KatyAverill Posts: 166 Member
    I have the same issue! My stomach is the place where I tend to gain weight, followed by my hips. I've noticed that my stomach feels extra bloated/large after eating gluten.

    I'm new to the group-feel free to add me on here!
  • I have the same issue! My stomach is the place where I tend to gain weight, followed by my hips. I've noticed that my stomach feels extra bloated/large after eating gluten.

    I'm new to the group-feel free to add me on here!

    same thing for me too! I was literally just talking to my coworker about maybe trying this whole gluten free thing. i hear its a little tough though and the motivation to not cheat....sheesh idk if I have that yet lol. Do you follow gluten free?
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    I have the same issue! My stomach is the place where I tend to gain weight, followed by my hips. I've noticed that my stomach feels extra bloated/large after eating gluten.

    I'm new to the group-feel free to add me on here!

    same thing for me too! I was literally just talking to my coworker about maybe trying this whole gluten free thing. i hear its a little tough though and the motivation to not cheat....sheesh idk if I have that yet lol. Do you follow gluten free?

    Gluten-free is hell. I have a cousin with Celiacs disease, and it took her a couple years to adjust to GF eating. I've heard that Paleo is essentially gluten-free, so you could try that. My partner and I might be going gluten-free next year once our new insurance kicks in and he can get tested, because he's showing a lot of signs of gluten intolerance (inflammation and joint pain, namely). How it affects the belly, I'm honestly not sure. I'll be interested in what KatyAverill says, too.