
kikiallain Posts: 150 Member
So last week I was 180.6lbs.. i decided i needed a really good week because i really wanted to get back down to the 180 like I was before my vacation... so did 30 day shred every night this week, ate yogourt and fruits for breakfast, salads for lunch and good healthy suppers every night!! Had no snacking except healthy snacks and yet when weigh in morning came this morning I was at 180.8 lbs.. how can it be higher!! It's sooo frustrating and dissapointing. I do want to take day 15 pictures though and see if by any chance I see a difference in my body! I'm hoping it's muscle gain! Anyone else have this problem of not seeing the scale move much?? I plan to do the 30 day shred tonight before we leave to a cottage with our friends.. we're delaying our departure just so we can get the 30 day shred in... then sat and sun we'll be away so won't get to do it and i feel like i shouldn't even take those two days off because the scale didn't move at all!! Maybe I should bring the stuff with me and try to fit it in during those two days... arg.. so confused!!


  • Sometimes we just have down (or rather up) weeks.... changes in hormones, holding onto water, etc - all that can make the scale not budge at all. Just be confident in knowing that you are living healthier and improving muscle definition - so even if you don't see those changes in the scale people will see the difference on your body.

    Congrats on having such an incredible week!!!!
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    Me!! I'm feeling frustrated by the scale, too. I've only lost half a pound over the last two weeks. I've been exercising very consistently (30DS + 30 min of cardio, 5-6 times a week) and been eating within my calorie range (MFP set me at 1370) every day with a few exceptions on weekends. I'm really confused. I couldn't decide if:

    1. Nothing is wrong. I'm just gaining muscle so the scale doesn't show anything. (Sometimes I feel like I see a different in my body... however, my jeans fit exactly the same so... I don't know)
    2. Those couple days I went over my calorie limit are preventing me from making progress.
    3. 1370 calories is not enough to support all the exercise I'm doing.

    I calculated my TDEE like everyone says to, and it put me at eating about 1700-1800 calories a day to lose weight. So, I'm changing it up and eating more calories. Apparently that has worked for a lot of people on MFP. We'll see if it helps! Sorry for the novel.

    PS- If your scale didn't change for just a few days, I wouldn't worry about it and wouldn't change anything yet. I'm just changing mine up because I feel like 2 weeks is a long time to see no change... especially when I just started this a month ago! Gah.
  • stacdjen
    stacdjen Posts: 52 Member
    Don't get dicouraged. Weight is a tricky thing. Weigh yourself in a couple of days and you might be surprised. And I've always heard that your lose more inches with the 30DS than you do pounds. Keep at it and enjoy your weekend.
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    Ah sorry, it posted my reply twice and now won't let me delete this one.. oh well..
  • Well I doubt it's fat so I don't think you have to worry about that. It's probably just water weight. I've read on here something about the muscles retaining water while they're healing and growing (or something along those lines). Take also into consideration TOM or ovulation. I gained 4lbs last time I ovulated (sorry if it's tmi) :smile: Luckily it was all water, but it did screw with my mind when I saw my weight go up every day.
    Don't look at the scale, because it does not tell the true story. Take other measurements and drink more water in order to get rid of water retention.

    Good luck and have fun at the cottage!