Dehydration sucks!

jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
So I was having all sorts of issues with getting enough liquids, and then I went on a trip for work. Let me just say, if you are already dehydrated, DO NOT go on a flight! I spent the week I was gone just trying to recover from the flight out, and by the time I got back, I couldn't walk for 10 minutes without getting extremely lightheaded and nauseous. Tuesday, I called the doctor and was sent in to get 2 liters of fluids replaced. Then had an appointment with the doctor, who quickly realized 2 liters hadn't been enough! He said it sounded like some type of blockage, maybe even an ulcer developing, so scheduled me for another EGD yesterday. They didn't see anything but oddly enough, since the scope went down, I feel fine when I am drinking. They also gave me another liter of fluid while I was groggy from the sedation, so I am fully re-hydrated and I feel SO much better. I am still tired, but they said that's normal because I have put my body through a lot by being so dehydrated and still pushing to do "normal" activities, then topping it off with sedation and such.
So I am back on track (so far) and ready to get this show back on the road. 34 pounds down already, and I am noticing a huge difference (even past the dehydration problems), and it feels so good to know I am taking steps to being HEALTHY!


  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    glad you recognized the problem and got it taken care of before it got any worse
  • smokeywolf57
    it is a scary thing to get dehydrated the first time after surgery.

    I bought a 22 oz. sports bottle to help me keep hydrated. I have 3-4 of those a day to get my 64 oz. in. I do not even drive my car with out taking it with me.

    time to take care of yourself
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    Got dehydrated a week after surgery - spent the afternoon in the hospital ER. WAs NOT fun. and the followup for 2 more weeks was tough too. They were afraid my kidneys would not recover. Thankfully they did. I still struggle some days to get in the min 8 glasses. I work on it every day.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    I once got so dehydrated after a hernia surgery that I ended up in the ICU and having dialysis. Believe me, it's nothing to mess with. Get that water in regardless of how you feel.