New to group- happy to find it!

Hi all,

I'm Becky- been on MFP for a while, but just now getting into the community. Happy to find this group because most people in my daily life give me the 'why are you dieting, you need to be careful, don't go overboard lines...'. I'm 5'5", 133 lbs, about 25% b.f., and looking to continue dropping fat lbs and gaining lean muscle. I've dropped almost 50 lbs in the last three years, initially through a combo of boot camp style workouts, running, and an admittedly atrocious diet that was terrible for me (too few calories, poor nutritional choices... basically made all the wrong decisions). That got me maybe 20 lbs lighter, but with no real change in my shape. Then I smartened up, cleaned up the diet, ate more net calories, and watched the weight fly off and my shape actually change. I'm pretty closely following Rachel Cosgrove's fit female body breakthrough program, and have a supportive husband who made the food changes too, so we are both into clean eating and fueling ourselves properly.

My typical habits- 6 meals a day, 6 workouts a week- 3 boot camp (combo metabolic cardio and resistance training) with a male trainer who rocks (I never want a female trainer again, lol!), 1 day of lifting on my own, and 2 days of spin. Inspired my husband to change up his exercise routines when he saw my recent results, and he started training with my boot camp instructor as well.

My current challenges- I'm on day 18 of the 100 Day Burpee Challenge (Day 100 will be Christmas, ack!). And another personal goal is to be able to execute 10 consecutive pull ups, hopefully by Christmas- I'm at three right now and keep improving. I also got my cube-mates at work all doing a plank-a-day with me, which is fun, and everyone has really gotten into it.

I did three half marathons and one full before cutting back on the running to focus more on the strength training, so I need these challenges to keep myself working towards goals, like I used to work towards increasing my miles. I'm a bit of a progress junkie- I like to have something to measure, and at this point it's not pounds being lost anymore. I also did two warrior dashes and may consider longer races of that sort- tough mudder, spartan sprint.

So anyway, this turned into a long post, but I'm hoping to get on here fairly often, nice to have a group like this!
