Sometimes you need to make sacrifices!

Hey Ladies!

This week I told Randy that I wanted to hit 159bs. This morning I woke up and weighed myself and I hit 160! I have til Monday to reach my goal. This got me thinking about what it has taken to get here.

November of last year I signed up for Groupon and the first Groupon I bought was 5 weeks of boot camp with Better Life Fitness. After 5 weeks with Randy I was hooked and signed up for a year.

A few weeks back I may have been whinning to Randy about how I had been hitting a plateau for quite a while. We all love Randy and know how he doesn't sugarcoat things. He told me that I was sabotaging myself every weekend with my drinking. At that same time I signed up for My Fitness Pall and began tracking EVERYTHING I ate and drank. What did I find out? Randy was right. Every weekend I was hanging out with friends and binge drinking and as a result of lower inhibitions and social pressures, binge eating. One Saturday I consumed over 3500 calories!

So I really was sabotaging myself. During the week I ate right and worked out hard and then every weekend I simply undid all the hard work I had done that week.

So Randy challenged me not to drink for 2 weeks. I didn't make it a full 2 weeks but made it 12 days and in those 12 days I lost 5 pounds! It was really eye opening for me.

Since then I have been much more conscious of what I drink. I have a social life but I have had to make some changes and sacrifices for me and for my goals and truth be told it hasn't been that difficult!

Now I try to avoid alcohol whenever possible. When I do drink I limit how much I drink and as a result I have been able to control what I eat after I have a few. I have not gone over my calorie goal since!

In the last month since Randy brought this to my attention I am down 10 more pounds! I was chilling somewhere around 170lbs and this morning I hit 160lbs! This has motivated me like nothing else. I had been so frustrated that all my hard work was for nothing and all I needed to do was make a little sacrifice for myself.

Losing those 10lbs feels like it is just getting the ball rolling. Getting on the scale and watching it go down feels so good that now I have been avoiding alcohol more and more just to get that feeling again.

Ladies, my point is that sometimes making sacrifices really sucks!! We watch our friends and family eat and drink all the things we love and we want to join them so badly but make the sacrifice! It feels so good once you do:)


What sacrifices are you making and how is it working for you? If you are not, what sacrifices should you be making? And how can your support system at Better Life Fitness help you?:)


  • Jayme,
    I haven't seen you in a while and I haven't logged in here in a long time. But I hope you are still on track and doing great!
    YOU inspire me and I will see you back at BLF Redford real soon! Like tomorrow!

    Like you say "Nothing tastes as good as thin FEELS!":wink: