Am I in the right place??

Krisgren Posts: 93 Member
Here's my question I posted elsewhere

Ok so I've lost just over 20 pounds in 6 months and built a lot of muscle, I've gone from doing very minimum exercise to slowly working upto running 3 times a week, some crossfit and weight training 3 times a week, and on off days doing jillian or whatever I get the urge for. I've also cleaned up my eating big time, no junk, minimum to no processed foods, etc etc. overall I think I've become quite fit if I do say so myself, lol

For the most part I am where I want to be weight wise maybe lose a bit more fat (no more then 5 or ten pounds) but of course gain more muscle thru the weight training and crossfit that I really enjoy.

So here is my question......why am I soooooooo hungry now???!!! I am eating healthy stuff but am finding that I want to eat constant, not emotionally or anything like that but my stomach more often then not feels pretty empty. I drink my water, I do tons of veggies and fiber and protein, (sorry no diary to look into as I haven't been tracking very often lately but I can guarantee its 3 main meals a day plus plenty of healthy snacks). I think while trying to lose the weight I mostly stuck around 1350 calories a day give or take and my menus have not really changed much with the exception of getting a little cleaner in the past month, but now I feel like 2000 would barely fill me up lmao!!!!

So do you think that its just because of the extra burning at the gym?? it's only been the past week and a half or so but I just can't seem to fill up, lol. Can I throw in more food?? Like veggie snacks and fiber and all that good stuff??

(Here is an example of my diet today........protein shake at 430am on my way to work, oatmeal with peanut butter and pumpkin seeds and cranberries around 10am, a garden salad and ww pasta with tomatos and avocado's at 1130am, then a 5k run, and then I ate an orange, a v8 juice, a hardboiled egg, and a homemade protein bar at about 130. and yeah I'm ready to eat again soon lol.

So I'm sorry I've rambled, I hope you can make sense of this, any thoughts would be appreciated.


  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I would suggest using the scooby calculator to determine your TDEE using the correct activity level. Your probably not eating enough. Also protein is what helps keep you sated plus great for muscle repair and building.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    Yeah you need to calculate it, but you probably do need to eat more. I eat all the time. Seriously--like every 3-4 hours. If your diet is healthy, you can and should eat frequent small meals (it sounds like that's what you do)--space out your calories over the day. And yeah, eat some protein at every meal.
  • Krisgren
    Krisgren Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks ladies :) I used that calculator and adjusted my calories waaaaaayyyy up from where I was. I'm gonna try that for awhile, I totally can see the perspective of eat more to weigh less but of course there is always the fear of what 'eating more' consists of, ie: weight gain. However, I am pretty happy with my weight at this point and loooove my new muscles and strength and want more more more lol. So anyways, I will be spending some time today between here and the em2wl website to learn what all that consists of.

    Thanks again guys!!!